Hawks/Keigo Takami

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Keigo stared at the building you were in, anxious for a response. You told him to help the civilians while you cleared the building of bombs and and villains. He didn't like the fact that you were sent in there alone and was worried about what would happen when you got to the top. The building had been made the site of a sort of battle station for villains and they planned on doing the worst. So, the heroes investigated and finally decided to stop their plan. The meeting was short and nobody really had say in the role that they would play in the plan.


Keigo's eyes widened hearing that you were to be sent into that building alone. He knew the plan and seen everything be built first hand and he knew what they were capable of. He didn't want you going anywhere near the building or the villains, but apparently your quirk would be the only one useful in the building.

"You're sending her in there alone?!" Keigo shouted and stood up. You put your hand on his, signaling him to calm down, "That's absolute bullshit-"

"Keigo. Sit down," he looked down and did as you said. You held his hand and softly smiled at him, "I'll be fine, okay? Let's just get through this meeting." He was still pissed, but calmer after hearing your words. He took a deep breath and sighed.

"At least send her with back up." He grunted. Endeavor frowned and stared at the two of you.

~ok back to the story~

You were sent with back up, but they were far behind and the building was tall. He could see them trying to catch up with you. He also saw you get in a fight, and win of course, but he thought you were injured.

"Y/n?" He called out, hoping you could hear him through the earpiece.

"Y-yeah?" He heard you trying to catch your breath.

"Are you hurt? I'll come get you-"

"I'm fine right now. It's... just a scratch," you sighed and stretched, "But I'm almost at the top so be on standby."

"You don't have to keep going. Just wait for the others."

"There's villains at the top ready to do God knows what. I can't stop now." you could tell he was uneasy. He could tell that you were uncertain about something.

You carried on and made it to the highest floor. Before going in, you were going to talk to Keigo. He heard you curse becau something hurt you.

"Kid?" He was even more anxious now.

"Keigo... if I don't make it out of this shit. I love you so much, please don't ever forget that. And tell D/n (Daughter's name) that I love her with all my heart too."

"Don't talk like that Baby bird. You're gonna make it out." His voice cracked. Tears had started fall as soon as you sta talking because he already knew what you were going to say. He started flying towards the building you were in.

"I'm serious Kei. I may not make it. I just want you to know that I love you both so much. Thanks for tolerating me all these years. You were an amazing husband and father." Both of you were teary eyed and trying to keep calm.

"Baby bird..." he couldn't even say anything else. He was just afraid. You've never done this before so he knew you weren't too confident about your odds of survival.

"I gotta go now Kei."

He was shaking, trying to keep it together. He watched the roof top while wiping tears out of his eyes. When he heard faint explosions, his heart started racing. He started flying towards the building again. He heard even more explosions and heard you let out a pained yell through the headset. He was getting closer but he felt so far. Keigo was anticipating another explosion but wasn't ready for it when it happened. This one was bigger than the others. He saw you fly off the building, you were unconscious and he could tell. You weren't even trying to activate your quirk or save yourself in any way. He gave it his all to get to you, refusing to let you die. He promised he'd keep you safe no matter what. When he got closer, he called out to you. His voice sounded so broken but it was still strong. You were at half the building's height when he finally got a hold of you.

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