Who Am I?

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"You have been really silent since your mother left are you okay?" Alex asked.

(Y/n) looked at her, it wasn't for the first time tonight she had done that, just watched her and took her in, every line of her face, the darkness of her eyes.

"Yeah, she just surprised me I guess."

" Do you want to talk about it? " Alex said leaning forward to take her hand and draw soothing circles in it.

(Y/n) smiled. I love you, Alex Danvers.

"No, not yet anyway." I'll have to tell you soon, let me have more time first.

(Y/n) turned the blue stone in her necklace nervously between her fingers as she watched Alex lift her fork to her mouth and eat.

"Are you not hungry?"

" No, not really. "


" Do you know what I want Alex? "

Alex shook her head. "No."

(Y/n) leaned forward to whisper. "I want you to take me home and I want you to fuck me!"

Alex coughed on the mouthful of wine she had just drunk, looking around to see if anyone had heard.

" What. "

"I don't want to talk Alex, I just want you, I want you to make me forget everything that woman stirred up, I want you to hold me and make me feel safe again."

Alex rose so quickly she caught her leg on the table, ignoring the pain she called for the waiter.

"Hey, you actually made it on time this time." Alex groaned at the all too familiar smug waiter. Never come to this restaurant again Alex.

" Just bring us the bill. " Alex hissed reaching across to pull (Y/n) closer to her.

"This is where it would be cool to have Supergirl's powers," Alex whispered laughing. " We could get home in no time at all. "

Alex smiled, but (Y/n) frowned Supergirl who was from Krypton, just her name made her feel a little queasy, the thought that not weeks ago she had stood in her old apartment even flew her to her Valentine's date with Alex.

Sure Alex could know an alien but how would she feel about dating one?

She didn't like being one, that was for sure.

When the waiter finally returned giving (Y/n) a flirty wink making Alex growl like an angry bear, she pulled her out of the restaurant and into a cab, suddenly food seemed unimportant.

(Y/n) needed her, and if that meant having to give up one meal for hot sex then she was ready to make that sacrifice.


Alex smiled through the kiss, (Y/n) hadn't waited for the door to close fully before she launched herself at her devouring her lips with her own.

Holding her tightly as though at any moment something would pull them apart and she would leave.

The news had her on edge, she was afraid and uncertain being held like a precious gemstone by Alex eased away even just for a moment her worries and anxiety.

(Y/n) moaned her hand was on the back of Alex's head, bringing her in closer as she deepened the kiss, her lips greedily devouring the brunettes.

(Y/n) felt her tongue enter, searching for hers, dancing with it. the chef was feeling lightheaded, her body quivering from the barrage of feelings she was creating, the same ones she always installed in her.

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