Wicked Trickery

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Alex swung the door open and faced (Y/n) for the first time since their confrontation the night before, her (e/c) eyes set to stone as she looked beyond her into the apartment.

Alex stepped back to let her in.

"I'm here to get my stuff." ( Y/n)'s voice cut through the agent like a hot knife through the ice.

"Kara isn't here." She shrugged.

The chef turned around to meet her eyes. "Oh thank God." She sighed with relief before throwing herself into Alex's arms and kissing her hard, her hands framing her face as she poured every bit of emotion she had into that one simple action.

"I can't believe they fell for it." She breathed hard once they parted.

Alex laughed. "I know, but we were good."

" We were, you were a bit too realistic I almost punched you. "

"What about you and I'm the most boring woman in the world."

(Y/n) laughed. "How did they believe that?"

"You were very convincing the bit about shoving my sanctimonious virginal attitude up my ass was especially realistic."

"Oh yeah, I did say that."

"You did."

"You did call me a bike everyone liked to ride on." ( Y/n) countered that moment had been far too realistic, it had hurt especially coming from Alex.

"I didn't mean it."

" Forget it, Alex, I want you to ride me now. "

Their lips met savagely Alex pulling her closer her hands gripped harshly on her hips.

"Alex it's me I have pizza!" Alex and ( Y/n) flew apart ripping their mouths apart so eagerly that somehow Alex managed to bite (Y/n)'s lower lip.

Their eyes trained on the door, waiting in anticipation for Kara to open the door so they could begin their act again.

"(Y/n) what are you doing here?" Kara asked surprised, hope building in her heart that they had made up and things were okay again.

" She just came for her stuff. " Alex said coldly

"Yes, I just came for my stuff, although Alex tried to get me to change my mind, slobbering over me like a Saint Bernard with low salvia control."

Alex's eyebrows drew together, "Strange I seem to recall it was the other way round, you were the one slobbering (Y/n)."

" Why Agent Danvers you mean you haven't found another bike yet? you must be losing your touch if you ever had it in the first place having sex with you is like being mauled by an uncoordinated sloth." (Y/n) lifted an eyebrow in challenge proud of her come back.

Alex frowned again, unsure why these insults were so easy for the chef to think up. "Strange you should say that because you actually move as much as a tree branch while having sex so maybe that's all on you!"

Kara stood awkwardly the boxes of pizza in her hands shifting from one foot to the other, unsure how this had escalated so very badly. "Hey, guys I think you should calm down before you say something you will regret."

" Oh, I regret nothing! " Both women shouted at her before turning back to each other and resumed their rant.

"Also (Y/n) you think you are this great cook but actually you cook a steak as well as the guy who cremates bodies at the crematorium!"

(Y/n) gasped. Now that is way below the belt!

"Oh okay we're getting personal here we go, Agent Danvers, you have all the sexual allure of a dead Salmon fillet, that has been kept in a freezer for a year!"

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