X-Rated Shocks

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Alex flanked on either side of her by Supergirl to her left and Superwoman to her right waltzed through the doors of the DEO Winn had insisted that his issue was deathly important and all three women had walked into the building expecting the worst.

When they arrived they found nothing.

Alex frowned suspiciously, "What is going on?"

(Y/n) shrugged. "Maybe Winn is throwing us a surprise party."

" Woo, I hope there is cake! " Kara clapped her hands happily.

"Actually me too." ( Y/n) nodded in agreement. "Doing a loop da loop over the city for hours has really made me hungry."

Alex rolled her eyes, the downside to dating a Kryptonian as well as having one for a sister was having to listen to the endless conversation about food. "Can you two give it a break for two seconds, look for Winn instead."

Then she saw him, his head bent over his computer a troubled look on his face as next to him Sara stood, her hands braced on her hips a fierce look in her eyes.

"What's going on there?" Kara whispered.

"I don't know but Sara looks pretty pissed off," Alex observed.

Winn looked up at the vague sound of Alex's voice that was when the full force of fear assaulted him if Sara scared him Alex put the fear of God into him, and she was not going to like this, not one little bit.

"Alex." He squeaked.

" Okay, what have you done and do I need to kick your ass for it? " Alex asked sternly, (Y/n) smirking hiding her mouth behind her hand.

"Tell them what you did moron," Sara demanded harshly, her arms crossed over her chest pushing her cleavage higher in her Black Canary costume it was noticeably visible and very distracting, Kara lifted her eyebrows and pushed her glasses further up her nose.

Alex found her own eyes drifting down, (Y/n) noticed shaking her head she let out a very unsubtle cough which seemed to do the trick.

Caught Alex turned to face (Y/n) a slight blush creeping across her cheeks as (Y/n) mimicking Lena raised an eyebrow, her eyes shouting. "Are you kidding me right now?"

Winn stuttered he wasn't looking forward to this. "So last night I was alone in my apartment and well, err I wanted to watch something entertaining."

" Oh, God you didn't get sucked into this Earp thing too did you? " (Y/n) complained. "This is a freaking pandemic!"

Alex rolled her eyes, she was beginning to think (Y/n) just really liked talking about it.

"What, no this was something a little more....err adult," Winn said nervously avoiding their eyes.

" Winn no offense but your night of watching porn is none of my business, there is a city full of something out there and you call us to tell us this, are you serious? " (Y/n) reprimanded.

Sara laughed sarcastically. "Oh, it is your business."

" Winn? " Alex said dominantly, in that voice that always sent a shiver down to (Y/n)'s core and vibrated.

"Yes, well this particular film was called Batwoman Calling." Winn shrugged shyly.

" Why don't I like the sound of this? " Alex asked his bowed head.

"Err the theme is that Batwoman visits National City and err.. .well let's just say that Superwoman and Black Canary show her around."

" I'm in a porno! " (Y/n) shrieked out loud making everyone in earshot turn to face them. "You have to show us now."

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