The Sonogram And the Hologram

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"Please tell me that you have lost your mind or I've lost my mind and this is all a side effect of the madness." ( Y/n) pleaded.

"No, listen (Y/n) I can't go I want to but I can't and I don't want her to go alone so you have to go." Her father said she'd been stunned when he'd called her that morning to tell her this horrific news.

" Please, Dad she must have friends to go with her. " There must be someone who can cope with her. 

"No, she is going with you." He told her sternly sitting back down in the chair behind his desk running his big hand through his unruly hair.

" Listen I am really the wrong person for this job, what about Carter he could do this. "

"He is in school (Y/n)."

" Lucky kid. " She pouted.

"I know you aren't thrilled about this baby (Y/n) but...oh I don't know I'm thrilled to be a father again, your mother she never wanted more after we had you, to have one now when I wasn't expecting it is just so wonderful, I just wish I could fully enjoy it." He said sadly turning to the window to hide the tear that appeared in his eye.

(Y/n) sighed resigned to her fate. "Fine Dad I will go with Cat for her first Sonogram."

" Thank you, sweety, this means a lot to us. "

"Yeah, yeah, you owe me big for this you have to name the baby after me, (Y/n) Junior. " She smiled wickedly.

"You wish."

" Ah, you are going with the Catherine The Second name, right? "

"Seems pretty unfair if it turns out to be a boy (Y/n)." Her father leveled his gaze at her.

" He has Cat for a mother the guy already has it tough. "

"(Y/n)." He warned.

" I know, I know she is wonderful she is amazing we all love her she is a Goddess, this is the official line, right? The one she told us about? "

"Shut up."

(Y/n) smiled at him.

"Now let's talk about you and Alex."

" Nothing to talk about. " She shrugged.

"Yes, there is, I am worried she will hurt my little girl again." He folded his arms over his chest and leaned against his desk.

"We are going slowly."

" A wise move at least. "

"I love her Dad, and I know she loves me too I want to be able to move on without worrying you will scare her away." She said shyly.

" If a father's disapproval is enough to scare her away she is no good for you at all, I will continue my overprotective Dad routine, see what she does. "

"Dad please." She groaned unhappily.

"She hurt my daughter (Y/n) I can't let that go by with a smile and a pat on the back, she only realized she wanted you back when she saw you happy with Sara."

" That is not true Dad and you can't talk married to Cat Grant every time that woman marries a divorce lawyer follows her down the aisle. "

"Not funny (Y/n.)"

" Don't talk crap about my Alex then, I love her Dad and you liked her too once. "

He pursed his lips in silent contemplation. "Okay (Y/n) I will give your Alex a chance but she is on very thin ice, so thin that it's cracking, but I still won't throw out the red carpet for her she has to prove herself."

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