On The Road

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"Okay so someone tell me why there was a giant holographic gorilla in my city?" Supergirl said loudly as they approached Winn sat nervously behind his computer he had no idea. 

"I can't find anything that would tell us what happened."

"Maybe it was some kind of movie promotion or something." (Y/n) shrugged. 

"Woo, that sounds like a good idea I'd go with Superwoman's version." He pointed excitedly at the idea that this could be an actual movie. 

"It's not that," Kara said knowingly. 

"Hey are you guys okay I heard about what happened?" Sara approached them looking spectacular in her eye-catching black leather suit, even Kara found it difficult to keep her eyes on her face. 

"Yeah it's so crazy I thought I was going to end up as the victim in Godzilla." (Y/n) laughed. "Turns out it was just a hologram."

"Yeah hologram," Kara said distractedly. 

(Y/n) leaned in to whisper. "Err Kara, you're supposed to talk to her face not her boobs also if Alex comes along and does her jealous routine can I tell her about this?"

"No!" She said with alarm she didn't need her sister knowing about this. 

"It's hardly new you always have your eyes in Lena's cleavage." She shrugged knowingly, she had seen it so many times now it had become normal. 

"I most certainly do not." Her face blushed red at her denial. 

"Yeah you kinda do, I'm sorry to break this to you but you really do."

"Are you two okay?" Sara asked confused. 

"Oh yeah, we're cool." (Y/n) smiled elbowing her cousin who smiled too. 

"Err (Y/n) I wanted to talk with you alone," Sara said nervously rubbing the back of her neck. 

(Y/n) shrugged. "Sure what did you want to say to me?" She asked when they were away from everyone stood in the corner alone two heads bent close together. 

"I wanted to ask you something about Alex."


"Yeah, I told her I would try and get you back, but you really aren't interested are you?"

(Y/n) felt her face flame red and sweat appear as she clenched her hands tight. "No, I'm not Sara I'm sorry."

The blonde woman smiled sadly. "I thought so, It's cool winding Alex up but I'm not a bitch (Y/n) I see that you like her and are happy."

(Y/n) smiled back at her. "Thank you."

Kara turned and groaned inwardly as she watched Alex enter, her whole face changed when she saw Sara and (Y/n) together, she swore she saw steam erupt from her ears when Sara actually touched her Girlfriend's arm lightly. 

"Oh, here we go again," Kara whispered to herself. 

"What are they talking about?" Alex fumed. 

"I don't know Sara said she wanted to talk to her privately."

"She wants her back Kara, what the hell do you think she wants to talk to her about?"

"I don't know maybe what is for dinner tonight."

"Shut up Kara no one has a private talk about food."

"I would." She shrugged. 

"I'm going over there right now!"

Kara grabbed a hold of her sister's arm. "Now hold on Alex, just because Sara told you she wanted (Y/n) back it doesn't mean that (Y/n) wants Sara back, use that faith you have in her and know she wouldn't have given you a second chance if she didn't mean it."

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