Thank You For 60k Reads

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Just a quick little note to say thank you for 60k reads, I began writing this story while sick on Christmas morning, I was approaching a fever and my throat was in business only to attack me and cause me pain, I needed an escape and suddenly an idea formed and from that strange festive morning came this whole story, happily my sickness departed but my love for this story did not. 

I wrote it at first just for myself, a way to have some fun and relax, file away some real-life stress and some Supergirl writers frustration, lol I never expected anyone to read it let alone actually like it, but here we are nearly eight months after I first published this story with 60k reads. 

Thank you to everyone who feels compelled enough and enchanted enough in the characters to comment, I really love all your comments so much the crazier the better by the way, (just a heads up😉). 

A huge thank you to @Kali_Story for her crazy (no really they are crazy 😂) ideas and knowledge on the Supers. 

Finally, I know some readers are unsure whether the prologue is real or just clickbait, it is real, the one thing through all the twists and turns in this story is that SuperAgent is endgame and nothing will change that, I did promise that the beginning was bumpy and it hasn't stopped yet but one thing that is certain is that Alex and (Y/n) will get through it all together, let's just hope Kara gets her supply of Potstickers otherwise I can't guarantee that last bit 🤣😂. 

So again, thank you so much and here is to more crazy action pact, sweet, adorable, frustrating, annoying, rage-inducing chapters to come because it's not over just yet, there is so much more to come. 

Thank you, Beth. 💕💕💕

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