The Shrimp Scare of Midvale High

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"Your face is still super red." ( Y/n) chuckled as she leaned closer to her, entwining their arms firmly together.

"I wonder why that is?"

"Oh, you know why Alexandra." Her voice was a low erotic rumble that she felt vibrate in the deepest part of her body.

" I really wish you hadn't started that. "

"You like it, admit it you want me to use it all the time, imagine being in the DEO I come walking through the door looking like a hot fox in a skin-tight suit, boobs sticking out like..."

" (Y/n) please stop. " Alex pleaded on a sigh she'd only just recovered from the intense orgasm moments ago since she'd gained her superpower from Aethyr and Kharys's experiment (Y/n) didn't have to be conscious of hurting her, she didn't have to hold back and their intimate moments had gotten better.

It wasn't every day a woman got to thank her crazy evil almost mother-in-law for giving her a better sex life, but that was what had happened.

The chef chuckled taking pity on her lover, she'd been livid when she'd seen Vicki launch herself at her, she'd wanted to show her just what she'd learned since she had become Superwoman, but that anger was dangerous, and Alex had it covered, happily.

"So that was your first time under the bleachers huh?" She teased trying to put her chin on her shoulder but the motion of walking was making it difficult.

" Yes, don't tell me you did that too? " Alex asked aggravated.

"Nope never did that, my whole time in High school I was an absolute virgin cross my heart."

" So that was our first time together? " Alex asked, somehow she liked that, liked when neither had done something before and their first times were with each other.

"Yep, ours, just probably best not to tell the kiddies about it, we don't want to get called up to their school some spotty teen guy with bad skin and even worse hair pinned against the wall your hand on his throat." The image was as clear as day. "His face blood red as he spits and snarls for breath."

Alex laughed. "I would do that."

" I know you would, you can teach the brainy one science we'll defiantly have one of those just like her Mommy. "

"I'm just wondering how you will manage to feed them all, not to mention Kara." Alex laughed happily sometimes she felt it was testing fate to talk like this, that at a moment this dream could be snatched away and she wanted it so badly, but other people could dream why couldn't she?

"We've talked about the trough Alex that is what I plan, throw the food in and just yell Come on Danvers clan get your food!"

" So you are planning on being Mrs. Danvers? "

"Of course everywhere I go I'm going to say Hi I'm Mrs. Alexandra Danvers."

" You should stick to your own name. "

(Y/n) laughed, as they approached the entrance their attention was caught by a man hunched over a woman patting his back as he was sick on the ground.

"Someone drank too much," Alex smirked unsympathetically.

"Gosh tell me about it, look there is one over there too." She pointed to the woman just beyond the entrance her hands holding back her hair as she let loose the contents of her stomach.

"What has been going on tonight?"

" Maybe someone spiked the punch. "

"No one ever did that during our actual prom." Alex shrugged.

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