Caught Out

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There is no other option.

The words kept echoing around in her mind, she had no other choice this was the only option left open to her if she ever wanted to get laid again.

There is no other option.

It wasn't safe and she was risking everything by being here, would Alex ever forgive her for doing it?

(Y/n) took a deep breath to steady herself, that same line rotating around in her mind, what she was doing was okay, no one would be hurt if they didn't know.

There is no other option.

Stretching out her hand she struck the door looking around her to make sure no one was watching.

The wait seemed to last an eternity until finally the door swung open and two wide startled eyes met her. "(Y/n) what are you doing here?"

There is no other option.

The chef didn't reply, she couldn't instead she surged forward into the room almost knocking the other woman from her feet.

"(Y/n) what the hell." Deep brown eyes took in the almost crazed look in her girlfriend's eyes, worry overtook her. "What happened?"

" Alex I am going out of my mind, I can't wait anymore I need you now! "

"What bu..." Before Alex to draw out the list of reasons that (Y/n) herself had drawn up for why they couldn't be together at her apartment or indeed anywhere, (Y/n) pushed herself against her, wasting no time crushing her lips to Alex's making her lose any protest she was about to make.

"Just be real quick, if you had super speed we could see what superspeed sex was like." (Y/n) spoke never lifting her lips from the other woman's mouth.

"What are you even doing here, what about the rules you made?" Alex finally spoke moving her head back slightly.

" I've lost count of how many days it's been, I'm literally going out of my mind, and I'm having crazy erotic dreams. "

Alex frowned. "Who are you dreaming about?"

" You, you massive dork. "

"Oh well, that is okay."

" Who else would I be dreaming about if I'm standing here with you practically begging. " (Y/n) rolled her eyes she thought it had been obvious, but Alex had been haunting her dreams for a long time, and usually, she could handle it because she had as much access to the woman as she wanted, but now, now she had lost her source of release and the dreams were just mocking her.

"Well, it could have been anyone." Alex shrugged unwilling to go through the list of women who could have featured in her girlfriend's dreams, she wanted to be number one in there too, knowing she was, was definitely an ego boost.

"Yeah in your paranoia, now Alex seriously we have to be quick."

" (Y/n) I miss you, I know you feel all frustrated but I also miss just being with you, and talking about silly things, me trying to get you to like Wynnona Earp and you trying to teach me how to cook. " Alex sighed sadly.

"Oh Alex I miss all of those things too but we are doing this for Kara and Lena, it will all be worth it in the end I promise."

" And if they don't do what you said they will? "Alex asked cautiously.

"Well that is cool they will be idiots and we'll still have each other, we'll always have each other Alex no matter what this isn't a break from us, they think we're not together anymore but that is just our act."

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