Midvale Nights

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Sitting on the step of the house (Y/n) smiled up at the clear sky eyes closed and a smile across her mouth, they'd only arrived a few hours ago, she'd excused herself to spend a few moments of solidarity alone in the peace of the country.

It felt nice to feel the fresh air whistle across her face as though she were nothing but a mere inconvenience.

Her mind drifting to the last few months, it still seemed so surreal to think of it now, but it had happened and he couldn't change that, unless she'd found a way to be as smart as her future daughter and get her hands on a time machine, there was the legion ring of course but that had done enough damage for a while.

She was stuck with her demons, the ones she had no idea how to deal with and was too afraid to tell Alex them in any detail for fear she would be disgusted because she was disgusted in herself.

Alex opened the front door slowly she'd seen (Y/n) sat on the step from the window, she'd held off coming out to join her until the temptation became just too much and the urge to sit next to her grew too great.

She sat down next to her. "Is it okay for me to sit here?"

(Y/n) turned to face her a little taken aback by her question. "Of course, always." She smiled taking her hand and Alex shifted closer so (Y/n) placed her head on Alex's shoulder. "It's lovely out here."

" I think it's going to rain. " Alex said mournfully.

"Exactly, I love the rain it's so refreshing cleansing everything it touches, washing away the dust and debris from the ground."

" And causes mud and floods. " Alex chuckled.

(Y/n) pinched her leg playfully. "Pessimist."

Alex laughed loudly moving both her arms around the woman She loved, the scent of fresh wildflowers filled the air as a gentle swift breeze danced around them. "You're lucky that can't hurt me."

(Y/n) burrowed further into her hold a place she found safe and happy, they'd been through so much and yet here they were together. "It's a shame Kara and Lena couldn't come with us."

Alex silently had rejoiced when they'd told them they couldn't come right away, she'd wanted (Y/n) all to herself and having to share her with her mother was bad enough she didn't want to have to also share with Lena and Kara. "Yes, it's a great shame, but they will be here for the weekend until then it's just us, and we got the best bedroom."

" Will you two always be fighting over that bedroom? " (Y/n) smirked.

"Of course, I'm not giving away my bedroom especially not to Kara, that woman snores like an oil tanker." Alex grimaced, Kryptonians were supposed to be perfect yet Kara did snore.

"She's not that bad."

" She is. "

(Y/n) smiled. "Is now the right time to confess to you that you snore too?"

Alex gasped pushing (Y/n) away from her in outrage. "How dare you I do not!"

(Y/n) raised an eyebrow. "Oh yes, you do."

" And you put up with me because? " Alex challenged, there was no way that she snored and (Y/n) had never mentioned it before now.

(Y/n) smiled leaning over a lightly kissing her mouth, with the softest of touches. "Because I find them little exhales of breath to be the cutest thing ever, and now when I am awake staring at the ceiling the sound comforts me because I know you are near, and nothing can harm me."

Alex felt her heart break a little more. "In that case I'm glad, and for the record baby, I'm not going anywhere and no one ever again will ever get the chance to hurt you, to hurt us."

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