Foes Working Together

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(Y/n) took a deep sigh it had been a very, very long day going on a grocery run not once, or even twice but three times for Cat had been just the catalyst that broke the camels back for her, each time she'd get back to her apartment Cat would call with something else she had left of her list, and she would have to go back out again to get it. 

Chanting the mantra. This is the day I kill Cat Grant.  It gave her strength when she was on her very last nerve and one day she was certain she would do it. 

She hoped she could get some free time at the DEO. 

She lifted her feet up to rest on the table in front of her, closing her eyes she relished the feeling of peace, the idea of doing absolutely nothing but relaxing in that very spot. Was it okay for a superhero to take her boots off?

Knock, knock. 

Slamming her feet to the ground listlessly (Y/n) dressed fulling in her Superwoman suit, aside from the mask lost the idea that she could just chill and relax. 

"Superwoman glad I caught you." J'onn walked into the room (Y/n) winced at who was following him. "I need you to work on a case with Detective Sawyer here."

Oh, how wonderful. She threw on the least fake smile she could manage to muster at the woman she hated, still hated and tried to be as civil as she could without using some if not all of her superpowers on her. 

"I know there is history between you, but this is a pretty intense case and we need someone working with the police on this."

"What about Supergirl?" (Y/n) suggested. 

"Or Alex," Maggie said with a smug smile directed at (Y/n). 

(Y/n) narrowed her (e/c) eyes at her every bit of her hate, contempt, and envy was in that gaze it made the Detective only smile even more, happy her little dig had hit its mark. 

J'onn rolled his eyes, women were strange creatures just as territorial as men sometimes far more, he wouldn't have suggested this pairing if he had another choice, but he didn't and he'd deliberately not chosen Agent Danvers because he knew that would have caused far more trouble and he liked the two women far too much for that. "Okay ladies enough, just do the job and get it over with, and then you can go on your merry ways are we in agreement?" His dark brown eyes turned to each woman. 

"Fine." (Y/n) shrugged. 

"I was always on board it was the precious caped princess you had to convince." Maggie grinned. 

"Enough both of you, I trust I can leave you two together without killing each other." Silence filled the room as both (Y/n) and Maggie looked away unwilling to commit such a promise. "Well."

"Fine, yes I won't kill her." (Y/n) shrugged. 

"It's hilarious how highly she thinks of herself, she is a chef." Maggie scoffed. 

"A chef who can throw lasers through her eyes and punch you into the next century, so I'd keep that smart mouth of yours shut if I were you, Detective Sawyer!" 

Maggie frowned, the other woman may be able to beat her with strength but she could always get her on something she could do nothing about, she was utterly powerless. "That is funny Alex never used to say that to me, in fact, she used to love it when I opened my mouth and..."

"Enough, Detective Sawyer if this immature attitude is an indicator in how you will behave then it will be another Detective we will be getting not another DEO agent," J'onn said firmly giving her a long scathing look before leaving the room, as (Y/n)'s eyes blazed with haeted hate at the smaller woman. 

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