The Fortress Of Solitude

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On the list of places she had wanted to visit in her life the Arctic had never been one of them, besides she was pretty much convinced it was doomed, global warming was taking full effect and (Y/n) was definitely not a denier, so when Kara had grabbed her and told her they would be heading to the Arctic before they left for earth twenty-five and face this worldkiller it was pretty much a great big surprise. 

(Y/n) had no idea Kal-el even had anything like this fortress of solitude Kara had spoken of, and if she had the reality would not have met her imagination. 

"And this is how you enter." Kara smiled lifting the key from it's hiding place, it didn't look like any key (Y/n) had ever seen in her life. 

"What is that made from?"

"It's created from a dwarf star." Kara shrugged as the icy snow covered mountain slid open and revealed an entrance, (Y/n) gasped she was fairly new to the wonder of what being a member of the House of El brought, she'd taken the bad stuff her mother and Aunt brought but this was something else. 

"OMG, this is it?" She spoke with awe as she followed Kara inside it seemed to have been caved from the icy crystals, a cave within an Arctic mountain was something the chef had never imagined. 

"Yep, this is it." Kara chuckled, remembering her own awe when she had first visited the place. 

"And Kal-el knows we are here right, I mean if it's his we should have asked first." 

"Don't worry, the things in here are just as much ours as they are his, I should have brought you here before now when you first found out you were Kryptonian it would have made you connect more with our people and culture."

"I think I was far too lost over Alex to have appreciated it then." (Y/n) sighed looking with interest at the trinkets that they passed by, each one once belonged on Krypton. 

(Y/n)'s gaze was taken suddenly to the grand statues that stood in front of her, a man and a woman posed heroically, the male displayed something that reminded her of Kal-el. "Who are these?"

Kara turned to face her and take in the statue. "That is Jor-El and Lara they are or were Kal-El's parents."

The chef moved closer touching the cold stern foot of the man in stone." He was my Grandfather's twin brother."

"Yes," Kara replied sadly, the past was gone and so were they but it didn't take the hurt away. "She was an astronaut."

"No way, was she really?"

"Yes she was, Krypton for a time had a space program but it was grounded after Jax-Ur destroyed Wegthor, an inhabited moon of Krypton while experimenting with a nuclear warhead-equipped rocket."

"OMG, you say it was inhabited? So people were killed."

"Yes I think the population was around five hundred Kryptonians, he was banished to the phantom zone for his crime."

"So maybe he knew Aethyr?"

"Maybe, come on let's move on we can't keep them waiting."

(Y/n) followed her cousin her gaze still lingering on the statue of the couple before her. "Do you think there could be a way to go back in time and visit Krypton before it died? I mean I would really like to see where I'm supposed to be from, it's hard to connect if you have no idea what it is supposed to be."

Kara sighed, she didn't want to think of the possibility. "Some things should be left in the past."

"Oh, yeah I guess so."

Hard yet quiet footsteps echoed through the cave, (Y/n) glanced around frantically trying to locate the sound she could see nothing, she turned towards her cousin who had already crouched down onto the ground and was petting a white dog, his tail wagging as he yelped and barked happily at the sight of her. 

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