That Red Dress

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"Well, the view is certainly enticing here," Sara smirked looking down at the red dress in the midst of jumping for Lena the slit had become unruly and desperate to escape, it revealed in graphic detail a vast part of ( Y/n)'s thigh and midriff.

Alex pushed the blonde woman away bending down to pull (Y/n) up and making sure that the dress had righted itself.

"Spoilsport." Sara pouted.

" She is my girlfriend, not a piece of meat for you to ogle at. " Alex spat out at her.

"I did a lot more than ogle right (Y/n)? Remember that thing you really liked?" Sara winked at ( Y/n) who was busy trying to hide behind Lena from Alex's questioning glare.

"Lena!" Bruce called skimming past guests in their panic to understand what was happening, he knocked one person over in his panic to get to her, he stopped to help them up before turning his attention back to Lena. 

" Don't leave me up here on my own Lena look at Alex she looks like she's going to kill me and Sara looks like she is going to eat me. " She whispered to the green-eyed woman who tried not to burst out in laughter but it was hard.

"I thought you liked that about her?" The green-eyed woman laughed.

" Oh you are not funny, go to your boyfriend you are useless to me. " Taking a deep breath she stepped from behind Lena's protection and took a step towards her sharks.

"I'm sorry I haven't heard a word any of you have said." She shrugged innocently. " It must be the stress and shock of someone firing an arrow at Lena and utter adrenaline. "

"Hmm, it must be." Alex turned to her suspicion marked all over her face.

Sara smirked. "I said remember the thing you liked me to do."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened in terror, Alex stood right next to her watching her far too intently.

"Yes I remember but who doesn't love toast?" She shrugged and laughed awkwardly.

"Hey, are you guys okay?" ( Y/n) winced at the voice.

Maggie stood just behind Sara her eyes glued to Alex concern written in the pupils of her eyes, (Y/n) moved that little bit closer to Alex running her hands up and down her arm closest to her.

Sara and Maggie narrowed their eyes at them unhappy with the display that the chef had just put on, Alex rolled her eyes at the vast amount of drama that was going on she just wanted to be normal with the woman she loved, why did no one get that?

"I can see you look fine, but then I don't imagine anything could get through that thick head of your (Y/n)." Maggie smiled falsely.

"That is enough Maggie," Alex told her firmly leaving no doubt that she meant every word.

"I better get back to interview the guests, my boss is going to be so happy with me after this."

"I'm pretty sure it was Supergirl who should get the praise not you Sawyer!" (Y/n) frowned. "In fact, you did nothing at all but turn up when everything had gone down,

"I was doing my job not flirting with Alex and blondie here." She nodded her head towards Sara who frowned and turned her unimpressed gaze towards her.

"Err excuse me deputy Dog, who the hell are you calling blondie?"

"I'm so sorry, I can see your roots now fake blondie."

(Y/n) leaned further inside Alex. "This is our opportunity to sneak away." She whispered Alex didn't waste any time she grabbed a hold of her hand firmly and pulled her away, eager to finally be alone with her and happy to leave Sara and Maggie duel it out together.

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