Wonder Woman

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Feeling deprived of having seen the sight of Alex reaching under her dress to pull out her gun strapped into a holster on her thigh, Superwoman burst back into the fray, still shouts and screams penetrated through the room, echoing all around like a drum that had been struck so hard it hurt the ears.

She'd lost Kara somewhere and even as she turned to see Alex she was lost to her, she couldn't worry now, no matter how much she wanted to run back and make sure she was safe, luckily she'd been given excellent supervision, she thought smugly as her gaze pierced through the mass between them, there she was kicking a very unfortunate guy in the chest sending him flying backward.

Superwoman cracked a smile. God, she is so hot when she does that.

Distracted she didn't see the fist that came and smashed her in the side of the head, unamused and very unaffected she turned her head slowly to face her attacker, she raised an eyebrow.

"That didn't hurt me one little bit, "She smirked. "But this will hurt you!" Quickly she brought her arm back and let her fist barrel into the center of his face, sending him flying backward and like a bowling ball knocked down several of his fellow henchmen as he fell.

Smiling she walked closer to where they lay, her boots hitting the ground ominously.  "Oh gosh I'm so sorry but you know guys they just end up falling at my feet, there is nothing I can do about it, I'm afraid it's my genes."

Ditching her gloating routine she jumped into the thick of the fighting where she found Supergirl.

"Come to join the fun?" Her cousin smiled sending one unlucky soldier over her shoulders with ease, as though he were a child's ragdoll.

"You know me, always late to the party."

A wall of built soldiers in midnight black charged towards them, unfazed the cousins braced themselves and leaning forward sent out an aggressive ray of blue light along the line, sending them all hurdling backward crashing into a pile into the table full of nibbles.

Supergirl gasped. "The food!"

" Oh let it go, I'll buy you pizza as a victory meal after. "

Supergirl turned towards her. "I'm holding you to that."

" Sure no problem you can't eat it with us though, a certain Agent needs a really hard spanking. "

"Eww gross!"

"It's not my fault it needs to be done," Superwoman said sternly.

The two supers had not seen the pair of dark brown eyes that watched them from her own place of victory, widen with shock she'd never ever had imagined that (Y/n) was Superwoman, but now everything seemed to fit into place, she had wondered how she had fought so well against those attackers when they'd first met that night in National City, and of course the new cousin must have been Supergirl.

How had she hidden being an alien when they had been together? Her girlfriend Alex must have also known.

Diana crouched down and pulled out the badge hidden in one of the fallen men's jackets, she crumpled it into the palm of her hand too soft to break it, written clearly across the top of the cold steel.

Vasilikos Inc.

"Harmonia." Suddenly everything clicked and fell into place, she'd been brought here for a reason only Harmonia knew, she'd find out and stop her.


Soon after the dust began to settle traumatized guests were sent home and the dust and debris were left scattered all around, the bodies and those left behind injured were taken back to the DEO as prisoners.

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