The Archer Comes To Town

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It had been two weeks since her 'first date' with Alex and despite her being busy at the restaurant and having been kept busy as Superwoman, while Alex almost lived at the DEO they had gone out a few times.

On the nights they were too tired to go out they would spend hours talking on the phone sometimes falling asleep still connected, their phone bills were huge.

"So are you bringing Alex to the gala?" Lena asked as she buttered a piece of toast.

They sat in Lena's kitchen the radio on quietly in the background as they ate their morning breakfast.

" I was thinking of doing that yes. " (Y/n) confirmed cringing as she ate the healthy cereal Lena was making her eat. Tastes like cardboard.

"Definitely only thinking about it, who else could you ask Sara?" Lena smiled teasing her friend.

" I could decide to go all Destiny's Child on your asses and go as an Independent woman. "

"Do not start singing that song!" Lena warned waving a slice of toasted bread at her.

" Or what you will attack me with your toast? "

"I will."

" Oh no save me from Lena Luthor and the toast. " (Y/n) squealed in mock alarm her voice high and squeaky.

"Why do I put up with you?" Lena sighed.

" Easy I am the greatest and no one else will have you. "


" Ahhh shut up you know I love you, I'm contractually obliged to. " (Y/n) shrugged.

"Do you ever think about that, I mean how strange it is that we were drawn to each other and then we turn out to be related?" Lena asked she'd been thinking about that a lot recently.

" I become more and more suspicious of our mothers, I feel their actions were deliberate yet I also feel stupid for thinking it because it's so random, maybe just a coincidence. " (Y/n) had not become any closer to trusting her mother, her beliefs became firmer the more Kharys stayed away, she didn't care to try to make eminence for her actions.


" Do you think about your mother? "

Lena picked up her empty plate and took it to the sink bruising herself cleaning it. "Sometimes."

(Y/n) frowned. "What do you think the Phantom Zone is like?"

" Pray we never have to find out. " Lena said sternly with conviction.

"Aethyr tried to lure Superman there." ( Y/n) said suddenly.

Lena sprung around. "And you believe what you are told about someone you have never met?"

" Yes, especially if my cousin is the one who tells me, Lena, what is wrong with you? "

"I just don't think we should vilify her, she is my mother (Y/n)"

"Lee just because they are our parents doesn't mean we cannot tell the truth of what they have done, they abandoned us."

Lena slammed the plate down causing it to smash into tiny shards. "Just leave it alone (Y/n)!"

" Lena what the fuck. "

Lena pressed her hand against her chest, her hand meeting the naked flesh above her shirt, trying to calm herself.

(Y/n) left her seat and pulled her friend away from the broken plate, "Okay Lee it's okay we won't talk about them anymore."

" I'm sorry. "

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