Mini Supers Part Two

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"How did it go?" Lena whispered as she kept one eye on the 'children' as they played together on the carpet.

"No one ever tells you how tough it is to go shopping with a child, she nearly stamped on a woman's foot." Alex cringed at the memory of the woman who had tried to pick her up.

" Why did she do that? "

"Turns out she didn't like her hitting on me."

Lena laughed loudly. "So even little (Y/n) gets jealous over other women."

" Don't it was really embarrassing, I had to tell the woman she was my kid. "

"Oh, that is a very Freudian move, Alex."

" Tell me about it, we're not even close to finding out how to return them to normal. " Alex sighed with Winn working on a solution at the DEO she had to be hopeful that something would happen.

"What if there isn't one," Lena asked cautiously.

" There has to be, I'm not even going down that route and being some kind of Woody Allen figure. "

Lena tried to hold in the laugh that was all too eager to escape. "I'm sure that won't happen."

" I hope you are right because that would not be on my list of things to do, I had to go through her death in earth twenty-five I'm not enjoying seeing her regression. "

Lena gasped, her green eyes wide open with shock, Alex looked around to see if one of the little Kryptonian hoodlums had done something they shouldn't have done, but they were still playing relatively peacefully.


Oh, crap (Y/n) never told her. "She didn't tell you did she?" Of course, she didn't why would she worry the woman with such ominous news when there was no cause for it.

Lena's face paled and her stomach turned over. "No."

Alex felt like the biggest douche in the world and when (Y/n) returned to normal she was going to kill her. "She didn't want to worry you."

" She died, but how she is here. "

"It's complicated luckily Kara found a way to reverse time." Alex tried to reassure her, she watched as her eyes moved back to the two girls now both laughing hysterically, their tones turned more into that of an evil genius Kara falling over backward which sent (Y/n) to laugh even harder her face looked like a tomato, her finger pointed outward mocking her cousin.

"Do you think this is El genes? Cause Lena they don't seem anywhere near as sophisticated as I've been lead to believe."

" Hmm maybe they are enjoying playing these parts, Kara especially she never had this as a child right? So maybe this is more of a wish being granted. "

"Hmm (Y/n) was an only child too."

" Well maybe this artifact works differently to how you think, what were they doing when they were turned into kids? " Lena asked thoughtfully.

"They were..." Oh crap, they were arguing over you, I can't tell you that. " They were having a disagreement, or maybe more of a heated discussion. "

"You mean like they've been doing ever since." She pointed to the two of them now having ended their laughter party Kara firmly protecting the teddy bear from ( Y/n)'s desperate attempts to take it, pulling with all her might until she let go and let out a great big huff her shoulders moving with the effort it took, until she suddenly hit Kara on the head and stole the bear running away with it leaving a shocked Kara sitting there with no bear.

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