Will the real Mon-El please stand up.

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(Y/n) took a deep breath before she entered, her cape flying around wild in the wind, it had been a very long time since she had been here at the DEO and a long time since she had worn the suit, she had added a little muscle tone since she'd last worn it, she definitely needed to do something about that.

Taking a giant step forward she walked through the hallway, the smiles and waves met her, everyone knew she'd been gone but only a very small select few knew where she had been, (Y/n) was thankful for that.

Straight away her eyes narrowed taking in the glimpse of the man arrogantly sat on the table, a sly grin on his very smug smackable face. Why the hell is he still here? She asked herself furiously, was everyone so easy they fell for his faux tears, the classic actions of a user. "Well I'm not as easy as Kara, this dude is taking a flying lesson whether he likes it or not."

"Hey Charlie Brown, get your ass off the table!" Her harsh tone made everyone turn around looks on their faces as though they were little children caught doing something they shouldn't by their mothers, he, however, had the nerve to actually use his useless bug eyes to watch her as though he were innocent. Oh, this guy pisses me off so much.

"Superwoman, hey you're looking particularly hot today."

" Just what every woman wants on their first day back at work, to be objectified by Mr. Zero IQ. " (Y/n) grated out angrily, pacing straight towards him, the memory of that strange meeting as they tried to exit the Phantom Zone.

Stumbling out of the door Lena launched herself at her cousin, nearly knocking her over, luckily Alex stood behind her helping to hold her up as she squeezed her tightly.

"Wow Lena, who knew you were this strong." She winced at the pain in her shoulders, the wounds were still raw and angry, she bit back the agony and closed her eyes as she fought the tears.

"Come on we have to go, you can do this when we get home," Alex said frustrated, head moving around observing their surroundings, how long did they have before Kharys regained consciousness and called out her minions.

(Y/n) patted Lena's back, "Alex is right, come on."

Jumping down but making sure that she was always in her view Lena let her go and together they began their journey towards the portal that would take them home to Earth.

A shadowy figure stood out in front of them.

"Crap." Alex cursed.

" So, you're leaving. " A voice asked, (Y/n) recognized the familiar whispy voice.

Alex and Kara headed forward, ready to take the man down, but (Y/n) held them back. "No, he's okay."

" Huh. "

(Y/n) smiled sadly, the place was hell but there had been one friendly face, mainly pushed by the fact her mother and Aunt hated the Damamite, he was actually a good guy, she was sad because while she could leave, he could never, the moment he did he would die. "Hi Lar, yeah I'm going home."

" Lar? " Kara asked her face screwed up as she tried to take a better look at the man.

"Oh, gosh I'm sorry, this is Lar Grand and Lar." (Y/n) held onto Alex's hand a little tighter a shy smile on her face. "This is Alex."

The man smiled moving closer into the glow of the torch nearby, the yellow and orange from the flames reflected against his black hair. "The infamous Alex, I've heard quite a bit about you, a lot in fact (Y/n) never stops talking about you."

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