Girl behind The Glass

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The blonde woman scowled at them from behind the glass, her blue eyes fill with deep hate.

"You!" She pointed to ( Y/n) who'd thankfully managed to get dry by the time Alex had pulled her into the room with a strange glass cell inside, at first she'd thought Alex was getting a little dominant looking back she was a little scared how on board with that she had been.

"Me." She held her thumb to her chest the top just touching the S on her suit.

" Yes you, Superwoman. " She scoffed to herself.

Alex frowned her overprotective instincts were kicking in.

"What do you want?"

" You look like someone. "

(Y/n) smiled smugly. "I know right." She turned to Alex and shrugged like this happened all the time. " Everyone says I look like what would happen if Amber Heard and Margot Robbie had a love child. "

Alex rolled her eyes.

"No, you look like and have the house name of El on your chest, you are of this house are you not?" Her words were carefully chosen and spoken slowly each word punctured with precision care.

"Maybe they just let me wear the suit." She shrugged.

" No, I smell the smug superiority that exudes from you. "

"Well that isn't very nice, so you hate the family huh? I wonder why."

" Err Superwoman can we have a word, please? " Alex grabbed her arm and pulled her to the far end of the room, leaning up close to whisper. "We need to get her to tell us where Kara is, not this bullshit."

" Just calm down Alex. "

She walked back to the glass a large smile on her face. "So I was just thinking that you know my name but I don't know yours."

" My name is Kara Zor-el, I am known to the world as Supergirl. " She puffed her chest out proudly.

Alex's angry footsteps rang out. "Listen to me you psycho freak you are not Supergirl now tell us where she is?" She spat angrily at the woman behind the glass.

"How dare you talk to me like that!"

" Oh I dare, I'll do more than dare I'll come in there and kick your bony little ass! "

The bright blonde haired woman smiled arrogantly at them.


" Alex, Alex such a strange name. "

"I'll put my strange fist in your even stranger face if you don't tell us where Supergirl is."

" I am Supergirl. "

(Y/n) saw her ex's face turn a violent red color, she held her back.

"Okay so your Supergirl now, that is cool I am loving this suit on you, by the way, the blue, the red OMG just freaking rocking it like a badass."

" Badass? " She frowned confused not having understood what she'd said.

"But you know no one will remember you did this, how can they brag about your name if they don't know it." ( Y/n) smiled taunting her, she seemed to be very arrogant.

She narrowed her eyes.

Alex joined in. "You must really love Kara Zor-el to want to be her, must really think about her every day."

" All day. " (Y/n) agreed.

"Maybe even dreamed about a kiss, how would it feel like if you could claim those lips as your own " Alex said taking her eyes from the blonde woman behind the glass and looked to (Y/n).

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