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The four women suddenly jumped when no sooner had the portal closed when it was opened again, Blaire walked out with a sullen expression on her face, her shoulders slumped forward in defeat, behind her walked a very familiar figure.

"Lena!" ( Y/n) shrieked.

"It's another visitor back from the future. " Sara laughed

Lena did not look happy at all, her eyes fixed on the young woman she waited.

"I'm sorry I wasn't supposed to come here," Blaire whispered.

" Or even go anywhere near my lab. " Lena added.

"Or go anywhere near the lab, but I'd heard you and Kara talking about it with my Moms and I was intrigued about what it would be like to come and meet my Mom when she was younger, she if she was always a pain in the ass."

(Y/n) leaned closer to Alex to whisper. "Younger and less of an old battle-ax."

" Thank you very much I love you too. "

"As I'm sure you are aware what Blaire has done is very dangerous it could change everything, so I am here on damage control." Lena's eyes traveled to Kara a small smile appearing on her face. "So strange to see you here I just left you with a bowl of potstickers."

"At least Kara doesn't change," Alex whispered. 

Kara blushed.

"So yes I have come to clean up my Niece's mess." Her eyes turned to the girl again who slid backward slightly under her glare.

" I said I was sorry Aunt Lena. "

"Yes well luckily for all of us I was there when you returned otherwise goodness only knows what would have happened."

" I thought that was changing the past? " (Y/n) shrugged feeling sorry for Blaire, she wanted to stick up for her.

"The same also applies to the future."

" Do we have to do it, Lena? " Blaire groaned as Lena pulled out a small object from her pocket.

"Yes, we do."

Blaire sighed. "Okay but one thing before it happens Moms please don't traumatize your kids by kissing in public all of the time, it really does make Finlay puke."

Lena winked at Kara. "And I'll see you in the future babe." Kara flushed read, so read her face looked like someone had painted her red, a bright luminous red, the kind that could be seen from the NASA space station.

Before anyone could reply a flash appeared from the object and before they knew what was happening Lena and Blaire was gone back to the future only there would they ever meet them again, all memories gone.

"So I was just saying to Kara how the worst thing that could ever happen to me would be if Cat actually liked me, and infinitely worse if I liked her." ( Y/n) laughed. "OMG Alex if I decide to name a child after her you really need to stop me."

" No problem babe. "


(Y/n) floated around her kitchen as though she were walking on air, a large smile on her face as she watched her team working before her eyes, their attitudes had changed after learning of the exile of the unfriendly ghost, but they were still weary that she would return.

(Y/n) had her own reservations but that Constantine guy had seemed to know what he was doing, she was surprised he hadn't returned to try his luck with Winn, that would have been funny unless he had her in his sights too, but luckily she had superpowers unwanted attention was easy to solve these days.

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