First Days Of Nothingness

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Alex lifted the last piece of toast from the toaster and placed it on the plate in front of her, she'd actually managed to get in the kitchen and she was determined to prove herself to (Y/n), she'd even started reading the many recipe books she had,

Even the endless pages that (Y/n) had saved on her laptop Alex had come to the decision she wanted to surprise her, give her something big that would really make her stunned, and now make her realize just how much she was loved.

Picking the plate filled with toast she took them over to the table and laced it down sighing at the sight of (Y/n) her head buried in her hands.

In the two days since the incident at the restaurant, she'd stayed in bed, disgusted with herself for what she had done and basically scaring the hell out of her fiance.

Not even Lena had been able to cheer her up, and she had tried everything, Kara had failed in her attempts to get her to move, she stayed curled up under the covers, little Bear cuddled as close as he could, it was comforting for Alex to have to know someone was looking after her when she wasn't home.

She would stay, she wished she could but in two days there had been two more attacks similar to the one on the stores on the high street, everyone at the DEO was on full alert.

"You really have to eat something," Alex said softly.

" I'm not hungry. "

"I know you are lying, I grew up with Kara remember, that girl was so hungry once she actually ate my Mother's favorite pot plant."

(Y/n) lifted her head up revealing just two shadowy eyes. "And you had nothing to do with that."

Alex chuckled slightly. "I may have told her the cactus was a delicious food."

(Y/n) rolled her eyes. "You were such an ass."

" I know. " Alex lifted a piece of toast and knife. "My Mom called me again."

" Really what did you say? " (Y/n) asked as she lifted her head up fully, her eyes burning into Alex.

"I didn't answer." Alex shrugged.

" What, Alex you have to talk to her. " (Y/n) stressed with more animation and passion that she had shown in days.

"What do I even say to her (Y/n)? Oh Hey, Mom so are you still screwing my Dad?" Alex really did not have anything she could say to her, shouldn't she have come to her if she was so sorry?

" No Duffus, you talk about it and listen to her and she will listen to you, you make a dialogue with each other and engage with each other you know just talking. " (Y/n) said pulling the bread from Alex and taking a bite herself.

"Hey!" Alex protested. "I did a whole plateful and you take mine."

(Y/n) shrugged. "Yours was closer, you burned it by the way."

"Are you kidding me, you are critiquing my toast," Alex said with most outrage, her hand over her heart.

(Y/n) smiled. "I love you."

"I love hearing you say that but why are you saying it now?" Alex asked picking up another piece of chard burned toast (Y/n) was right she had screwed it up, yet she noticed she was still eating it.

(Y/n) lowered her head focusing on the bread in her hands now half eaten. "I just wanted you to know, just wanted to say it out loud I guess, I know you have stuff going on with your parents and then I go all crazy and make your life a million times worse, like a selfish ass who can't stand not being the center of attention."

Alex stretched her hands out and took hold of (Y/n)'s wrists. "Hey you are not going crazy, you went through hell and this is your way of dealing with it, you have PTSD (Y/n)."

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