Never Have I Ever.....

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"The answer is no way in hell!" ( Y/n) lifted her arms into the air exasperated she'd expected a night of hot x-rated sex instead she was faced with an impending disaster.

"Come on you want a way to get them to talk, thaw the ice between them this is the way." Alex reasoned for what felt like the millionth time, ( Y/n) just wasn't having it.

"Thaw the ice between them and we'll end up like the Titanic hitting an iceberg."

" What does that mean? "

"You know very well what will happen, Alex, I can see it now you going off in a jealous frenzy over something I've innocently answered." She knew it would be the case, she wanted the heal the rift between Lena and Kara but not at the risk of another pointless row with Alex, she flopped down onto the couch and sighed deeply.

" That won't happen, come on it will be fun. " She came to sit next to her ignoring the vast space available and instead cozying up to (Y/n) placing her head on her shoulder. "Please."

(Y/n) found herself looking down into huge brown eyes expectantly looking at her waiting for her to dash her dreams or make all her hopes come true, she sighed. "Fine, we can do it."

Alex jumped up excitedly taking the chef's head in her hands and kissing her lips hard. "It's going to be so much fun." She promised rushing to get her cell phone to begin the round of invitations.

" You have to promise me you won't get jealous. " (Y/n) warned.

"What would I get jealous about?" Alex asked suspiciously.

"If you find out something stupid like someone says Never have I ever had sex with a whole soccer team and I'm the only one that drinks."

" What? " Alex dropped her phone, her face as devastated as if she had just been told her favorite tv show was being canceled.

(Y/n) chuckled. "See told ya." Before exiting to use the bathroom leaving Alex to watch after her a stunned shocked gaunt expression on her face.

"Wait (Y/n) have you really done that?" She shouted at her.

( Y/n) opened the door letting just her head peek out. "Of course not silly, but this is my point."

" You may be jealous of mine. " Alex said smugly.

"Oh yeah." ( Y/n) gave up her plan of using the bathroom and intrigued moved closer to Alex watching the gleam in her enchanting dark blue eyes shine brighter. "Were they better than me?"

" Dangerous question to ask Superwoman. " Alex smiled liking teasing her seeing the narrowing of her eyes as she watched her.

"Maybe we should play a different game seeing as you like to tease me."

" What game? "

"Are you my best sexual partner or not."

" I really don't want to know that. " Alex blocked her off totally, she really didn't need a list of who (Y/n) thought was better at sex, she felt certain Sara would be high on the list.

"Maybe you'd like my answer." ( Y/n) teased.

"Oh yeah."

" Yep. "

"Okay, you are my best sexual partner I've ever had." Alex finally admitted, ( Y/n) smiled confidentially.

"I knew it!"

" Well. "


Alex sighed. "Where do I come for you?"

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