Girls Night In Gotham (Part Two)

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Bitter frosts of rain fell briskly onto her head, (Y/n) looked around again cautiously, anxiously waiting for someone, anyone to show up, maybe it would be Alex somehow she'd sensed what had happened and was on her way right now, and she was super angry.

"Have you got it yet?" She whispered. " Do you have it? " Have you been killed by a flock of man-eating Flamingos or something? "Are you still alive?"

Lena suddenly appeared behind her putting a hand to her shoulder and making her leap into the air.

"I am sorry, hey did you know there are Lionz here?" She chuckled.

(Y/n) shrugged. "It'z okay Coz I 'ave a bear."

"He is so ittle though." Lena laughed.

" So are you. " The chef pouted.

"I am not!"

" Yous are very ittle. " (Y/n) pointed and laughed, just as Harley emerged from the bird habitat a bright green and red parrot perched quite happily on her shoulder.

"He's called The Joker." She laughed devilishly, her mouth wide open with dramatic effect, the bird seemed happy still to just sit there and listen to her dry shrill laugh.

Harley leaned into (Y/n) to whisper. "He looks like my ex too."

(Y/n) and Lena fell over themselves laughing at the reference they had no idea what she was actually talking about but it didn't seem to matter the image of her ex with a big beak and two rosy red cheeks with beady little eyes was just too funny.

"Here you have him, what else would a unicorn need but a parrot," Harley said as she gave Lena the bird, it's large wings flapped and expanded making the raven-haired woman duck out of its way.

(Y/n) starred at her cousin in quiet contemplation as she was busy with the bird, looking at it with fear and mistrust, taking out her phone quietly she lifted it up and took a few snaps.

Lena had declared her desire to be a true unicorn, so Harley had rather too excitedly gladly taken up the challenge and dressed her in a rainbow tutu and a plastic unicorn horn on her head, she looked in truth, ridiculous and (Y/n) wanted visual proof.

Also, she would need some bribing tactics for when she and Alex went away so she would look after Bear, he was far too little to come with them.

She'd already done her duty to fancy dress when she'd gone into Cupid territory, Lena and Kara still wouldn't let her live that down.

"Hey, Lena we should 'ave brought the jaguar s here!" ( Y/n) suddenly realized, that would have been an excellent idea.

Lena rolled her eyes. "Dammit, that would have been sooo good."

Harley appeared again with a large smile on her face a crazy idea working its way in her head. "Let's go and steal the Batmobile!"


The low lean and curvaceous black car sat alone, the dark empty street lit only by one street lamp that the driver had managed to park just underneath as though it wanted to steal the whole limelight. 

(Y/n), Lena and Harley crouched behind the side of the alley, the building hidden by the night was their only protection from being seen.

"There it is." Harley pointed, whipping her head around sending her pigtails into ( Y/n)'s face coughing she briskly tried to remove them. "He'z just left it there!" She let out a loud cackle, ( Y/n)launched herself forward to put her hand over her mouth to quieten her down so no one would hear them and catch them.

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