Chapter 148 New Year Again

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*January  1983*

Another  new  year  and  (Y/N)  reflects  on  helping  Karen  live  through  her  death  date  and  keeping  Andy  healthy  too.

(Y/N)'s  POV:

It's  now  1983.  5  years  since  I  was  brought  back  to  the  past.  I  have  to  march  ahead  as  I  know  I  have  still  so  much  left  to  do.  Karen's  actual  death  date  is  next  month  and  I  have  to  make  sure   she  lives  past  it.  I  know  Andy's  death  date  is  still  another  5  years  away  so  I  got  a  lot  to  do  in  a  short  time.

Karen  has  been  quiet  healthy  and  happy.  Her  weight  really  hasn't  changed  and  she  seems  to  be  content  with  life.  Maybe  I  was  the  friend  she  needed  to  change  the  outlook  she  had  on  life.

I  got  up  later   then  normal  on  this  new  year  since  me  and  Andy  waited  to  see  12  o'clock  midnight.

I  went  and  turned  the  coffee  on  and  got  the  cream  and  sugar  ready  in  my  cup.  Andy  was  still  asleep  so  I  just  put  the  cream  and  sugar  in  his  cup.

I  went  and  sat  outside  with  Sam  and  enjoyed  the   mild  morning.

I  watched  clouds  go  by  and  I  sit  back  to   the  first  moments  I  had  when  I  first  got  here.


May  1978

 I came up to the full length mirror and shrieked in disbelief. My hair was flared out with wispy bangs, I had blue eyeshadow on, which is not my color. I also had a matching denim jumpsuit and platforms on. As I continued to look around the room, a calendar with May 1978 was hanging on the back of the door. My dream came true, but how is this all possible?

I opened the door of the room and this definitely was not my house. I looked around for some keys and pocketed them just so I didn't lock myself out. I adventured outside, as weird as my makeup was,  and began walking. Not much was different then 2021 except face masks weren't on everyone.

The biggest thing that had changed was the cars. There was beautiful, brand new Chevys and Lincoln's parked along the curb. As I was walking along, I kept misstepping because of these platforms. Ok, I may have been wrong on the fashion from the 1970s. I didn't wanna die from these shoes. Despite being distracted by the cars, I heard high pitch teenage screams coming from the direction I was walking. I  misstepped on the curb and fell into someone, literally.  

*end  of  flashback*

I  smiled  and  shook  my  head  as  I  sipped  some  coffee.  Sam  was  rolling  in  the  grass  and  having  a  ball.

"Good  morning  darling,"  Andy  said  in  his  morning  voice.

I  turned  around  and  saw  him  in  his  PJ  bottoms  but  he  was  shirtless.

"Good  morning  love.  Happy  New  Year,"  I  told  him  happily.

He  walked  over  with  his  coffee  cup  in  his  hand  and  sat  by  me.

"Why  didn't  you   wake  me?"  Andy  asked  in  a  raspy  voice.

"Cause  you  looked  so  peaceful  sleeping,"  I  said  putting  my  hand  on  his  face. 

"Stoppppp  darling,"  Andy  said  rubbing  sleep  from  his  eyes. 

"You  always  look  so  cute  especially  with  your  hair  fluff,"  I  said  messing  with  his  hair.

"You  are  something  else  darling,"  Andy  said  taking  a  long  sip  from  his  cup  of  coffee.

"I  can't  believe  that  we're  celebrating  5  years  together  in May,"  I  said  looking  out  to  the  yard.

"It's  crazy  how  time  flies  darling,"  Andy  said  looking  at  me.

"We  also  will  be  married  for  3  years  too,"  I  said  looking  at  the  dead  grass.

"Best  time  ever.  You  are  the  best  thing  that  ever  happened  to  me,"  Andy  said  grabbing  my  hand.

"You  are  the  best  thing  that  ever  to  happen  to  me  too,"  I  told  him  smiling.

"I  love  you,"  Andy  said  kind  of  shy.

"I  love  you  most,"  I  said  standing up.

We  headed  inside   to  eat  breakfast  and  drink  more  coffee. 

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