Story 49

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It all started in grade five. It was my first year back to my old school. My other school shut down so everyone there went back to this school. Anyway I grew up with this kid (bully) and we ended up sitting beside eachother. I thought nothing of it, I've known him since grade 1. On the first day he called me a fagg*t and he complained about sitting next to me. I brushed it off and just thought 'he's a boy, boys are like that' but it got worse from there. After a week or so he started saying bad things to me again. Ex. 'Girls like you shouldn't sit around guys', 'You're a fat piece of sh*t' and so on. It didn't really hurt at first until he decided to make it his mission to make me miserable. He started physically harassing me and it got to the point I had bruises on my arms from him slapping my with rulers and stabbing me with pens. I told my mom and she wrote a note to the teacher. After that the seating plan changed but outside he still came up to me and threw balls at me and called me a cry baby. I tried to avoid him but it was hard.

One day I was hanging out with my friend on the playground and I said I love you to her. I meant it in a friend way, can't you say I love you to your best friend without someone thinking your gay? Apparently not because bully heard this and from then on my nick-name was lesbian fag. My friend defended me and said she loved me back but they didn't call her gay, she was one of the popular kids.
My mom wrote another note to the teacher and bully had a talk with the teacher. This didn't help. Not one bit. He still hit me and called me names and I couldn't do anything about it at that point. The day came where I lost it. He slapped me in the face and called me a wh*re. Then I threatened to through my water bottle at him, he said 'Do it' I hesitated and closed my eyes. I let the words sink in. Do it. 'Are you a chicken?'. No. 'Come on fagg*t. DO IT!'. And then I threw it. Just as the teacher walked in. And he started crying. That whimp, I thought to myself. Now he knows how it feels. But my time wasn't over. I got in huge trouble and the principle just yelled at me instead of asking why I did it and what had happened. I cried so much that day. The kid didn't back me up, neither did anyone else that witnessed it. I was the crazy girl that threw a water bottle at an innocent kid. Fag, wh*re, b*tch, liar, drama queen, clumsy. That was me.

I shared this story to show you it gets better. I'm currently in grade 7 and bully is in my class still but after that incident he apologized and never hurt me again. I'm not saying violence is the answer, but stick up for yourself. I have grate friends now and I'm quite popular. The scars are still there, but they're almost invisible. Time can heal most anything.


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