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About 2 years ago, I moved to a new town. It's much bigger, I I had a rough start. I knew nobody and my personality was changing, getting a little more, let's say, wild. But I was always nice to everyone, especially my new friends. But, well, I'm also different in other ways. I'm deaf in one ear, with a slight hearing loss in the other, light sensitivity and other stuff going on with my eyes, and not to mention all sorts of other stuff.

This all made me an easy target. People have been rude, straight up mean and talking behind my back. I never really knew much about this, until my friends let me know. Then people started getting a little more rude, calling names and teasing me. And it got even worse.

My hearing became a really tough problem, where to the point that a needed an amplifier system (a thing that helps me hear better). It would always be obvious that I had it, and bulllies always whispered to other people, many times spreading rumors. I'm now in 7th grade (this started in 6th grade) and it's still going on. Many times it's actually been TEACHERS now, saying "You should have been listening," "You need to pay attention more." It's like they all don't care.

I even have an IEP, Individual Education Program, where I get "special help". Not to mention with this all the teasing I've gotten. Its like I'm different, but it's bad to be different where I live. I've even been called a freak.

My story might not be Amanda Todd, and might seem like I haven't been bullied at all, but I am being truly bullied and it hurts.

QUESTION: If anyone could just give some advice and kind words, it could be all I could ask for.

ADVICE: Well, if you have depression, don't give up. You are worth it.

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