Submission 515

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So. I've done posts before 309. Read it if you want, it might help understand, this Situation... Well, it doesn't involve anyone from my last stories, but hey. Let's go.

I'm gonna give them all little names.

So,mat school I was fed up of being unlike because I was fugly and fat. So I was like, "hey. Let's just get people to like me for who I really am!" I thought it was a great idea. Yeah! Do you to? Yeah well it wasn't.

I made an Instagram account and made sure no one could trace it to me. In my bio it said

"I am the ghost from "my school" I, there but no one acknowledges me. Only my true friends might know. Do you know?"

Yeah cheesy I know. But I would use the account to post what I really wanted to post, e.g. I drew a picture (which u can't usually do because of a bitch who things she's little miss perfect when she's not so she can fuck off.) it was so,etching which I saw in Ireland (I was on holiday, it's really nice there.) a road stretching out as the eye can see with trees either side, I added this next bit, and a person in a hoody and jeans walking down it facing away and fairly shaded in. I thought it was awesome. I was just about to post it when someone dm'med me. Well call him 1. He said

Wtf? What are you a loner? Your just attention seeking. Just tell me who you are.

I said no.

"What? You weirdo. I'm gonna report you,

So? It's Instagram. I've not done anything wrong.

No. Not just in Instagram. At school.

I've done nothing wrong.


I totally flipped at him then as my little cousin has Down syndrome and has been on the verge of death multiple times. 1 took a screenshot of what I said back, cutting out what he said. And posted it. I was called a dick bitch. Ect ect. Then I got more dms going

Bitch bitch bitch

Why are you even doing this? Your just getting attention

Argh. No wonder you made this, your such a bitch.

Then 1 made a post saying "get rid of the ghost of 'our school'

Everyone reposted it,,

Then once again everyone started calling me names.

So I deleted the account.

I know it's not much compared to what you've all been through. I just thought I should say. It's the summer holidays ya know?

Non of your friends have invited you anywhere. You have nothing else to do. So I said.

"Hey why not tell someone. THAT IT REALLY HURTS" I hope someone from my school reads this, and thinks.

I can't report them though. They're on the anti bullying team, schools never gonna believe me.

It's a hard knock life for us.

*Gone all musical*

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