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Hi, I'm a girl who struggles with social anxiety and seasonal depression.

I've been bullied before but let's be real, I didn't let it get under my skin. My best friend stood up for me.

But continuing on, I also have MAJOR trust issues. So these people (yes, I still get bullied today.) Who sit behind me in science is a girl and a boy. Let's call them bully 1 and bully 2.

Once again, I have major trust issues unless you know me very well. So bully 1 (the girl) would have gum and take the gum out of the wrapper, then fold the wrapper looking like their is a peice of gum in it.

Now remember, I called bully 1 my friend. Oh she is not my friend now.

So she gave me the empty gum wrapper to me as a prank. She would do this everyday. Then one day, bully 2 started calling my names like "looser, fag, stupid." Now, never call anyone that under any circumstances. Its rude.

Then, bully 1 started throwing the gum wrapper at my head and saying "You have trust issues, and only loosers have trust issues."

Now, dealing with seasonal depression I was going through a depressed time. I started to cut myself with my razor in the shower. I would always make excuses to my mom "oh it feel and cut my arm" " I backed up and it scraped my arm"

And this guy who sits to the left of me, let's call him bully 3. He's my ex-boyfriend.

Now, having social anxiety is really hard, and when I get called on in class, I choke on words. I did this once in class.

Bully 3 called me a failure, and said I needed more confidence.

I wanted to scream at him "ITS NOT A CONFIDENCE ISSUE ITS ANXIETY" but of course, I didn't.

He always teases me because I broke up with him. He once accused me of having my phone out in class, when I didn't even have my phone on me.

And that's pretty much up to date, I still get bullied everyday.

ADVICE: DO NOT CALL ANYONE NAMES BECAUSE YOU MAY NOT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE GOING THROUGH. They do not need you tearing them apart, they probably are doing it to themselves. And please, if you see bullying tell a teacher. 

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