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There's this new kid in our school, and I previously learned, everyone in our school wants him dead. I go up to him one day, and we start talking, I figure out he likes me and he's seen me and heard of me quite a few times. One day he asked me out. I said yes, but little did I know, that would start all bullying from my whole school. I get to school one day, and learn, that this guy had a relationship with my best friend. She worked everything out with him, but I soon lost friends, and was told if they could, they wouldn't even go near him, and they would want him gone. They wanted him dead. So I started protecting him. At this time, I lost about, 40-60 friends, learning how everyone also hates me because I'm his friend. We can't tell anyone we are together, if they know, I'm hated worse. I've been bullied for 2 weeks because of this. And I'm trying to make this boy happy, because he knows everyone wants him dead, and I'm trying to prevent that from happening. I don't like how. People do this to others, including him. He shouldn't be hated and wanted gone. Even I'm thinking at night how to end this. But I'm still bullied to this day. And Im scared to even go to school without this guy. Thinking I'll be bullied because of helping another person.

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