Submission 806

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Hi guys, I have told my story twice before, and I just went back recently to read any comments you guys put, I don't know why but I just felt like I had too.

And I just wanted to give all of you who commented an update.

I am so happy now XD.

It got better, I talked to my parents, I got professional help and now it is so much better in that aspect.

I wanna live. I don't feel the need to cut anymore. Sure some days aren't great, and I do feel the need but now, I can talk to my parents.

They felt so bad when I told them what I was feeling, and sure sometimes, they get angry but it's not like before. I have the confidence to stick up for myself now. And i think a big part of that was posting my story on here, telling you guys and for you guys to actually reply was amazing. I never smiled so much.

I have friends again 😊 True ones that have stuck by me throughout all of it. Not all the bullies have gone, but now I can stick up for myself and life is slowly, but surely, getting so much better.

So thank you all for commenting what you did. And I just wanted to tell you that it really does get better.

Even for me who thought it was the end, who tried to end it on more than one occasion.

It does get better.

I'm getting treatment for my scars, and even with them, I feel BEAUTIFUL. XD

So for anyone else out there that have gone through similar experiences and are reading this, let my tell you. It gets better.

Don't keep yourself hidden, baby steps. It takes a little push and suddenly you're walking on the moon! Happy as can be xx

Thank you guys xx

Yours truly

Vickie xx 😂😊

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