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Alright this May/probably will be long, so buckle in and enjoy the ride!

Year 5 (Which would be grade 4 for Americans/any place that uses Grading)

So I had this group of friends, and it was the 'popular group', too. I wasn't mean at all, but the 'head' one was. You see, My best friend at the time was attractive, very, very attractive. (I will not be disclosing the name of the bully, so I will be using simply, 'bully')

Bully wanted my friend real bad, But we never seperated so it was going to be difficult for her.

Bully got me and my friend into the group, but she didn't like me.

So there was a whole bunch of drama, My friend was somewhat catching on to bully's 'plan' to get rid of me, so bully talked me into telling my best friend I didnt want to be her friend, and when that time actually came, I stuttered because I was afraid, so Bully told her about it, leading her to run off crying.

I missed her, alot.

later that day, bully and her other friend (also in the 'group') were braiding eachothers hair on the field, I went to get a drink of water, to discover when I came back, They didn't give me permission to join back in, I told them it wasnt fair and Bully replied, "Then why don't you just go play with (Best Friend's name)

I ran off crying, but after many episodes of crying and she running away from me as soon as I dared to speak with her, We finally made up and I spilled everything.

Year 6

It was the same as year 5, but worse. I was constantly teased on. I was called spoilt, dumb, ugly, fat, revolting. and I really started to think I was like that.

Several occasions where left me in tears, Which I hope you can respect that I really, really don't want to talk about, as Its very triggering.

But It was sometimes Physical, most defiantly emotional, and bleh.

Year 7.


No other word to describe it, New school, new friends, new options, Nope!

I went to a presbyterian school, (religious). and I cannot say how much it ruined me. it broke me, and I don't really think I'll ever recover.

I'm very dramatic, But its all true.

Year 7 was the worst year of my life, there was this one girl (which will remained being called Bully2)

She was awful, she had no parents though, But thats no reason to be so cruel to me.

She physically bullied me.

She slammed my fingers in the closet, shes shoved my chair so I fall back.

She called me names, she stole my towel at camp when I was in the shower. She had everyone from the cabin in the little lounge and I came out to get my towel thinking nobody was in there.

They all laughed at me, I begged her for my towel back and she finally gave it back. She then spread multiple rumors about me apparently checking the girls out when theytoo were naked and making me sound like a total lesbian, (That didnt insult me, as their is nothing wrong with with being something other than straight) But the way she put it was so awfully cruel.

I started self harming around term 2, I then attempted suicide (which I havent dared to speak with anyone in real life).

I was depressed. not as an adjective, I am diagnosed with depression.

and I wish I could say I'm happy now, but I'm not. and on the rare occasion you see me smile or laugh. I'm most likely faking it.

There was multiple scenes where Bully2 really hurt me, she tormented me. I had nobody really, maybe a few friends, but nobody really close.

I'm going into year 8 next year, I will be in the populars people class, how do I know? because I'm a bloody magician, anyway.

I wan't to find light at the end of this tunnel, and I'm not sure If I'll make it out alive.

But I'm putting my whats left of my faith into the little hope I have left.

My mum also saw my cuts, She took me to a therapist and was completely supportive, I needed that. she also told my dad, where my dad told at least three of his friends.

My parents also got a divorce on 24 of november this year, and my dad wouldnt let mum tell us easy. I hate him, alot. He constantly thretanded to kill himself if we didnt do as told, and somtimes they argued over stupid little things, it got to the point where The kids and mum were afraid. so we usually stayed overnight at a friends.

There is alot more to the story, but It'll go on forever.

Remember, although life has its obsticals, maybe some tracks have more objects than others. You always, always have to hang on to hope, It does get better. I hope you find happiness if you are struggling with depression or having a rough time, because you deserve to be happy.

I forgot to add something, I'm also Gender fluid, which is hard for people to understand but eh.

during this course I discovered that I was bisexual, (hah, beat that ya'll homophobics. I'm queer and I'm here, and You can't get rid of me for a lonnnnnnnnnng while!"

(also a good appropriate comback to use if someone tells you to go die, reply with; Okay, but it may take about ahundred years :) )

ADVICE: Don't be mean back, If having the urge, fight it. But stand up for yourself. Don't try to make them feel like you do when they hurt you, because they're most likely dealing with some sort of crap at home or somewhere. But do tell someone, anyone you trust. a parent, a teacher, someone.

Be strong, because you are going to be okay..

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