Story 220

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When I first joined secondary school I didn't have that many friends, that's because not many people from my primary school talked to me there. Even though I knew loads of them they all despised me with a passion and I don't know why. I guess you could call me one of those "weird" kids, with thick glasses and messy pony tail.

But when I did start making friends with those really sweet and funny girl (Girl1) I thought this is gonna be great, but then, Bully 1 came along. Now she wasn't the nicest of people and she always thought she better than everyone, and for some reason she decided to become friends with Girl 1 and I thought I would just roll with it and become friends with her too but...

She would call me horrid names, like fat, ugly, witch, hag. Just because I have a mole on the end of my nose, kinda like a witch and with my looks I kinda completed the package.

I tried to talk to Girl 1 about it but soon she too turned into Bully 2.

To me I felt betrayed, loathed, worthless and with the constant tormenting at school, in the corridors, in the changing rooms, at lunch. I couldn't take it.

I cut myself the night my brother started ignoring me.

I don't know what I did but for some reason we could be in the same room for hours and not utter a single word to each other. I really hated because before my brother would always stick up for me and make me feel wanted.

I quit my piano lessons because of the comments I got during music. My parents would yell at me because I "gave up in everything" "had no social life" "no friends" "was a stupid worthless daughter to them" "they couldn't be proud of me because I was a slob".

At first I ignored it and tried not to cut again but soon, Bully 1+2 started kicking me and tripping me up. I cut again.

One of my two friends found out and told my student support manager, my parents got called. They saw the cuts.

They yelled at me, would ignore me, and not even bother to try and help me. I tried to talk to my brother about it but he punched me and told me he hated me.

And before I knew it, year 8 had come around. I had no friends, would sit alone at lunch and was wearing hoodies throughout summer.

My legs were riddled with deep scars but the scars on my arms started to fade. I managed to go the first three months of my second year clean. But then Bully 3+4 showed up.

They would isolate me in PE and in lessons, tug at my hair and clothes, make fun of my scars if they ever saw them in changing rooms by accident. I tried my best to hide them.

At lunch I would cry alone in the toilets. I wouldn't eat.

I begged my mum to get my moles removed, but sadly she refused because they make me who I am. They also tortured me.

I choose to ignore the world, I would listen to music during lessons and my grades dropped dramatically. Then Boy 1 showed up. And suddenly my whole life changed, I fell in love. Well for a thirteen year old anyway.

But sadly, he started going out with bully 3 and became Bully 5.

He would throw spit balls in my hair or stick gum in my seat. Steal my stationary and call me names like all the others.

I cut again. I began to purge.

Soon enough my mum payed for me to get my moles removed. I managed to get the one on my chin removed but if I wanted the one on my nose gone I would have to go through plastic surgery because it would effect the cartilage in my nose.

After a while the bullying stopped and the ignoring began.

I would be ignored and the only words I would utter during class would be "here miss" "yes miss" "no miss".

My cutting got really bad but still the student support didn't do anything about it because they had told my parents, but my parents took no action and left me alone.

Soon, I managed to get my purging under control and stop. I would eat again but this time I would eat in tons. I began to binge.

My binging became really bad and I put on a lot of weight, not on my stomach though, my thighs were mostly affected. Which lead to stretch marks.

In the changing rooms people would whisper about them, I would get called "fat, ugly, gross, weirdo." But what hurt the most was when my only friend saw them, and the comment she made was "ew."

People were disgusted to look at me.

By then, year 9 rolled around and I met this really nice girl. Girl 2.

By now Bully 1 had been expelled, Bully 2 forgot about my existence and Bully 3+4+5 were still at it.

But I wasn't alone anymore, Girl 2 was going through the same things as me and we got along really well. Until about half way though year nine, we got into a massive fight and so began Bully 6.

I attempted suicide. Failed.

Then my end of year exams which decide my 25% GSCE grade came along. I failed my science because of Bully 4+5. I barely passed my other subjects and Bully 6 made my life living hell.

I am still facing this and in year nine I attempted suicide about 6 times. I couldn't go through with any of the times, either, I got caught or I broke down into tears. Or simply, I couldn't find a way to do it.

Bully 3+4+5+6 have been arrested at least once and now, my summer is going to consist of long sleeves and long trousers.

And to make it even better, my whole family hates me. I have began purging again and anorexia is begining to become a problem.

I cut again.

I was doing so well.

Yours truly

Vickie xx

*Update provided as Submission 806*

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