Story 116

760 39 5

I'm bullied for being gay. It started in 9th grade, when I told my friend. I begged her not to tell anybody but she didn't listen. She told nearly everybody she knew, including the boy I told her I liked.

So, friend2 finds out. He seperates him from me, and now "friend" says that she is sorry. I forgived her, but I still lost alot of things.

I lost friends.

I lost what my teachers thought of me

I felt like I lost everything

I never told my parents about me being gay. Eventually we moved schools and decided to come out to all the people since I had no friends there. I had nothing to lose.

I now have friends that accept me for who I am

I now have teachers who love me for just who I am.

I still havent told my parents.

But I know with my friends by my side

We can conquer anything ;)

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