Story 369

304 12 2

In elementary school I was bullied for being to shy, quiet, and a social outcast. Bully one walked up to me one day and slapped the books out of my hands. I stood there and got yellled at by the teacher for being "clumsy".

In middle school I was teased about my weight bully one turned into two then three then so on to almost ten. I had this one friend, she was the happiest girl turn into a snotty nose bully. I kept to myself and found another victim of bullying. I helped her up and we became stronger together.

Bully called her a pig and I stepped up. I said "Look who's talking pigspen. It looks like wilburt tracked mud into the house."

My friends jaw was open and I smiled. I cried happy tears. After that no one picked on me again.

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