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There was a boy in my class. He was very attractive and I ended up liking him. I tried my best to catch his attention and finally sometime in the middle of the term, I convinced my teacher to pair us up for a project. She agreed because I was a good student and she trusted me.

Of course, we had spoken before that, but I guess I liked him bit too much to notice just how much of a heartless person he was. At first it was alright, he made jokes and I laughed and genuinely had fun, but over time, I started to notice that his jokes were very mean. He always made fun of that boy's nose, or that girl's freckles or somebody's clothes and when I pointed out, he started to make fun of me.

If he had made fun of my hair, or height or nose or clothes, I would have been upset but ignored it, but that wasn't were it all ended. He called me

some VERY bad names and fed his friends lies about me. Some of them believed it, some of them knew me too well to buy his stories, but it was hard. The people who believed him always muttered and sent disgusted look my way. My reputation was ruined and I was quite young back then. It meant a lot to me and too see it in shreds was like a nightmare. 

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