Story 477

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I used to be so innocent as a child, I was home schooled and I went every Sunday to church, and used to love it. Suddenly, "out of the blue", I started hating it, my mom wondered why.

She started assuming that with puberty came rebellion and I wanted to run away from God and my parents. I started wearing dark colors and covering my face with my hair, then she thought I was going emo. She preached at me, yelled at me, but I only felt worse because no one knew what went on at Sunday school.

The only place I was with people my age was at church, because I didn't go to school. Safe place, church school, nice people.

I was wrong, and everybody who thinks Religious places are 100% bullying free are mistaken. I was bullied, I am proof.

I used to have very hairy legs, but I didn't really care for shaving or waxing because I was only 12 and very tomboyish. The bullies didn't lose an opportunity to call me "hairy" or "furry bear", etc. I started becoming more conscious about my looks, and I started shaving and in my mom's eyes I was "growing up".

A few weeks later, we were learning about how God made us unique and how we all have a talent. We then were supposed to make a drawing of our talent. My talent is drawing, but the bullies didn't think so. They encouraged me to stop drawing and wait for everyone to finish because "we know you suck anyway.". I finished it and sat down, leaving my drawing at the table. Someone picked it up and showed it to the class. Snickers were heard around the class.

A whole year went by like that. I became more self-conscious and sensitive. I hated going to church, and sometimes I walked home to skip Sunday school and the bullying.

My birthday came around the corner, and the teacher suggested they sing happy birthday. Giggles came from the row behind me. I sighed, hoping nothing would happen.

It did.

They did sing, but they inserted their own words in the melody.

They called me fat, disgusting, weird, ugly...the list goes on.

The teacher opened the present drawer to give me something. I peeked in and saw all sorts of cool things, but the teacher digs a bit further and pulls out the crappiest, most ugliest, used looking, toy. Tears sprung to my eyes, as I grabbed my bible and darted out of the place.

Eventually I told my parents and they had a talk with the teacher and I was treated for moderate depression. The next year, I decided to start going to the church school. To my surprise I didn't end up with the people from my old Sunday school class, they were different.

But there is (because she's still in my class) a girl that started calling me fat, ugly, weirdo, b*tch, and stupid. And being ignored and left out is something I deal with on a daily basis. And just because I get good grades doesn't mean people support me, they want to take advantage or make me fail.

I already got laughed at several times in my class. Coming home crying? Please...

I sit next to the exit because I developed anxiety. When I see people, I have to see an exit or I panic. Being bullied ruined me, and I suffer it's affects.

I can't say the teasing is over, and I can't predict an ending. Yes, my parents know, but I told them I can handle it. I think trying to take control is good for my situation, but even if I don't I know one day I'll be fine.

Just because it's religious doesn't mean it's safe. Bullying is EVERYWHERE. Don't be a bully. Bullying isn't funny. It can scar for life. I've experienced it. 

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