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This is how it all started: I was just a regular funny 11 year old girl sitting in her room with her brother and then I got a notification on Instagram. It was a very mean hate comment. But I didn't notice it because I have a pretty big account so all the notifications masked it. I checked back to the post where I said how my best friend died and how I really sad about it. I saw the comments but one stood out: It was about how I was stupid and how I should die with my friend. There were millions if swears and I tried blocking them but it kept continuing so eventually I got tired of all the hate and I did stab myself in the chest hoping to never live again. But that's not what happened I did survive but the hate comments got worse, more and more people were hating on me and it hurt so much. I just wanted to try and kill myself again but I knew I shouldn't. I talked to my best friends and they really seemed to help. The bully still does occasionally dm me awful things but I've gotten over it because I'm way stronger than before.

The type of bullying I had experienced was cyberbullying and I was threatened with awful hate comments. I was 11 when this happened. The person that had bullied me was my best friend who is no longer my friend. The bully always was saying things about how I looked, how stupid I was and how I should drink bleach and die. I felt so alone, like nobody loved me, I hated life at that moment and wanted to die so badly. My friends were always there to support me and talk me through everything hat was happening. Yes I did stab myself and fall into a state of depression from what the bully had caused. I did also try stab myself twice when I was through this awful bullying process. I only told my friends at the beginning because I felt I couldn't talk to my mom at that time because I didn't think she would get it, but she did and she really helped me out. I was bullied for about a month and a half. And yes I am still being bullied.

QUESTION: I would really like to know some strategies that helps with other people but besides that is really it!

ADVICE: Any advice I have to give is really depend on the people you trust. Open up to them and tell them your sad. Your Friends and parents are amazing people that you can trust. And God made you on the earth for a reason. You are special and if no one will love you. I will. No person deserves this, but even me. Please help out others if they are bullied because we all need a helping hand sometimes.

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