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( just to let you know, there might be A LOT of '"I's")It started when I was in the 2nd grade. My bully would always pick on me. I didn't mind because it honestly didn't bother me that much. Until one day in class, I was sitting beside a friend(who's a boy) and "he" came over and started saying that I had a crush on him. It got to the point that it made me cry. My teacher came over and asked 'What's wrong' and I told her. She made him apologise and he did. He said that he really meant it but I didn't believe him. Then one day, he moved. I was relieved when I heard that. I felt like I could finally be ME. But then my school got shut down 2 years later. My friends and I had to go to a different school.

5th grade was the WORST year of my life. I was judged of how I did things. How my hair was, how my clothes were, how I acted. I was called a teacher's pet, lame, and weird. But what got me through it was my crush. He had asked me 'who do i like at school' and i said ' you'. Then he asked me if I wanted to date him. I said yes. I was so happy that I actually had someone who cares for me. Then later that day I learned that he was only toying with me. He didn't really care for me. I was so hurt knowing this. So the next day I ended it. And then the rumors started. He (my crush) started saying things like "i wanted him", "wanted more from him", " i was clingy". Everyone started to believe him. I couldn't go a day without being called a name or judged. My "so-called" friends even joined in as well. Not to mention that my brother started calling me names as welll. I felt so scared, hurt, and alone. I wanted to die. I didn't want to live anymore. I started feeling depressed and worthless. I wanted to crawl into a hole and just die.I never told my parents. They would've wanted to get involved and I din't want that. It would've just caused more drama and attention towards me.

Finally I was done with 5th grade and off to 6th. I had actually made friends and felt wanted here. My "so-called" friends had came up to me and apologised to me. I just stared at them. Then said 'okay'. I'm known for holding grudges and having so much baggage. At first I wasn't going to forgive them, but I faintly remembered a quote that gave me the courage to forgive and forget.

" Sometimes you have to stop living in the past and focus on the present". That quote got me through the years. Now I'm going to be a freshman surrounded by new people and have a fresh start. My name's Andrea and this is my story. My account: zooboomafoo264.

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