Story 379

375 24 11

I.. I... Don't judge me in this story, okay? Just... Don't. I don't think I'll be able to take it.

In 7th grade, I had a perfect life; a loving boyfriend, caring friends and the perfect student. In 8th grade, still amazing. Until one day, my bf became friends with... That guy... Are we aloud to curse in this? Because... I'm sorry but I will. The guy he met was a rebel, a bad-boy and he was selling drugs to my bf. I told him to stop and all he did was push me away and forced me to take a some. I screamed and yelled, but he managed to make me swallow some against my will. The first thing I did was to force myself to puke when I came back home. Fortunately, I wasn't addicted to it, like he was. My bffs ditched me like an old pair of socks. The whole school avoided me because my bf was addicted to cocaine. Even the teachers glared at me for no reason whatsoever. I got angry and went to see the guy that convinced my bf to even start this whole thing. Lets call him BOY1. Ok, so I confronted him and yelled at him. And guess what?! He just laughed in my face. He said it wasnt his prob and that I was just a desperate bitch. I slapped him silly. He looked at me furiously before adding that I was gonna regret it.

After school, I walked past the dark corner of the street like I always do and I felt a strong pair of arms catch me. I turned around and saw my bf, so I was relieved. He then whispered:

"Ok, she's here."

I turned around again and saw BOY1. Tears ran down my eyes as I looked at my bf. BOY1 gave him some white powder as he approched me and started licking me everywhere. He proceeded... (Sorry, this is hard for me) by taking out all my clothes. He took off my underwears last. He touched me, grabbed my boobs and all. He then took off his pants and his underwear. I think you can guess what happenend next. He wasnt gentle at all, and all I could do was scream. It was horrible. After, he continued to lick and touch me for a few minutes. He finished by forcing me to suck his... Thing. They then left me there, all alone, with nothing.

Help. Help. Help.

It doesnt help that I'm pregnant, does it.

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