Story 318

340 15 2

My bullying is a little different than most. I was always that happy, cheerful person in the class. What I didn't know, was that most people hated it. That I never showed any weakness, that I'd be all smiles, every day.

In 5th grade, a few of my closest friends gangged up on me, and told me that I should kill myself. That I'm disgusting, and a huge mistake. I tried defending myself, but I was too shocked to do anything. When I finally got my senses back I felt something trickling down my cheek, and I saw that my best friend had a knife against my cheek and the liquid was blood.. I couldn't scream so I went with the next thing and kicked her in her part and when she bent over I kicked forward landing a blow on her stomach.

After that day, I have been bullied by her followers believing her story that I beat her up because I was jealous. I'm still bullied, but I have more people to care about, than to cry about.

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