Submission 873

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I am a Christian. I was raised in a Christian home. My grandfather is a pastor. However, this does not make me the type to shove my beliefs down your throat. I went to a private Christian school when I was younger and then moved to a different city, switching to a public school. Kids made fun of me because I was different. I wasn't afraid to say I loved God and kids thought that was weird. I thought it was weird to not be allowed to talk about God. People called me a Jesus freak. Boys picked on me because I wasn't like other girls. Girls picked on me because I dressed differently and wasn't into the same things they were into. A group of boys even beat up my brother. I definitely wasn't prepared for the consequences of religion in schools. The bullying I experienced when I was young caused me to become insecure. I went on a search for who I should be instead of who I am and it lead to a lot of hurt and turmoil.

I'm a Junior in high school now and I run two Christian clubs on campus. I attend two youth groups and I'll be the first to tell you that whether you believe or you don't, Jesus will always love you and so do I.

I know Jesus talk makes some people uncomfortable and I did not intend for this to be a jab at non believers. If you believe cool, if you don't, cool. That's your free choice as a person. I will not judge you.

However, I think it's important that we, as the humans of this generation, should recognize the treatment of people who are different than us. It's horrible to be non excepting of someone who isn't like you. Whether it's regarding what they believe in, or maybe their sexual orientation, race, the way they look, the way they are.

I'll tell you one thing, I believe God created the heavens and the Earth. Ridicule me all you want, I'm going to continue to believe that. I also believe that God created us all, and God does not make mistakes. Therefore, no one on this planet is a mistake. If they have disabilities or if they're just like you, they are here for a reason and bullying strips them of the right to be who they are.

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