Submission 829

455 20 7

What type of bullying did you experience? (Cyber bullying, teasing, name calling, physical alterations, etc.)

I experienced emotional abuse, cyber bullying, name calling, and occasionally physical bullying.

How old were you when the bullying started?

I was in second grade.. (I'm in ninth now)

Who bullied you?

My best friends, the entire school, and the emotional abuse was my parents...

What would the bullies say or do to you?

The people at school and my friends would call me chubby and gross in elementary school, and in middle school it turned to fat, ugly, slut, whore, nasty, disgusting, and stupid. Every once in a while I would be pushed into lockers or my books would be knocked out of my hands. And my parents, I kind of just felt like I was being left out. And that I wasn't good enough for them, I am emo but I can't show it because, quote "its not the daughter we raised, now is it" unquote.

How did you feel while you were being bullied?

I felt worthless, I felt like everything everyone was saying. I was starting to believe that it was true and that nobody cared. And also I felt like I was a disappointment to my parents.

How did you feel after being bullied?

I felt like I was in a black hole and life was only going to get worse from there.

Did anything help you cope with that feeling?

Yes, I self-harmed for 3½ years and occasionally slip up here and there.

Have you ever self-harmed and/or fallen into a state of depression as a result of being bullied?

Yes, like I said about the self harming and II was prescribed medication for major depressive symptoms but don't take them.

Have you ever contemplated suicide as a result of being bullied?

Yes, if I counted right, 8 attempts?

Have you told anyone that you were being bullied?

Not until about 6 months ago.

Why/why not?

Because I didn't think anyone cared and that it would just make everything worse. And that it wouldnt stop because I would be known as a "taddle-tale"

How long were you bullied for?

8 years and on the 9th

Are you still being bullied?

Yes, constantly..

QUESTION: How do you guys cope with it all? I go to therapy and I have talked to the school counselor but it doesn't help and self harm is what used to help me but I can't turn back to that..

ADVICE: If you are experiencing any kind of bullying or are self-harming, speak up. Tell someone! (preferably an adult)

I am always here to talk. I am somewhat a certified speaker on the app 7cupsoftea but my mom didn't allow me to go on the app anymore. If you can't talk to me then I suggest that app. But seriously, message me on wattpad, it may take me a few hours to reply but no more than that. I don't know if I'm allowed to say my username on here for wattpad but it's right here-> @XOmichaelcliffordOX I'm okay with my story being out there because I have done speeches on it and I have talked about it with a lot of people. I may still have my own problems, but working with other people to solve their own difficulties.

And if someone hasn't already told you today her you go "YOU ARE AMAZING, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL/HANDSOME, YOU ARE SMART, AND YOU ARE WORTH IT!" I love you and I will be here.

BULLIEDWhere stories live. Discover now