Story 219

557 18 1

What type of bullying did you experience (cyber, teasing, name calling, physical, etc.)?

1Mainly verbal. (Demon, bitch, go kill your self, etc.).

How old were you when the bullying started?

2 I would have to say 10 (5th grade).

Who bullyed you?

3 classmates and friend.

How did you feel while you were being bullied?

4 hurt, breaking.

How did you feel after being bullied?

5 pissed off, worthless.

Have you told anyone you know that you were being bullied?

6 not really. Well until now.

Why/Why not?

7 I just ignored then until I noticed that I was actually listening.

How long were you bullied for?

8 three years.

Are you still being bullied?

9 no. I got so pissed one day that I ripped some of the bully's hair right out of his head. He learned not to mess with me.


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