Submission 1054

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Hi, I'm 16 and I came out as gay to just about everyone around 3 years ago. My parents said I'd grow out of it and there was no way I could know since I'm "too young" to know but honestly I can't imagine myself dating a girl and I only get that sinking butterfly feeling in my stomach from guys.

Anyways. People used to harass me in the halls for it. They would turn and yell "Gay!" Right in my face like it was a bad thing. It was mostly just verbal.

The locker rooms were the worst. The teachers at my school don't monitor them at all. When I was 14 I was shutting my locker after an especially tiring day of gym and I heard someone behind me. It was Bully1. He had all of his buddies behind him.

I laughed nervously and tried to get around them to the doors. They stepped in my way and stopped me, and I found myself surrounded. They all had this evil smirk on their faces, like they all knew what they were going to do next.

One kicked me into a locker, and the next one punched me in the stomach. Another slammed a metal bar into my legs, and I fell down crying. Bully1 spat on me for good measure, and I thought they were done harassing me. They weren't.

I don't remember exactly what happened after that, but they sexually abused me and I was raped right there in the locker room. When I kept screaming and screaming for help, they just said "you're gay, you like this. Admit it, you like it"

I didn't at all. After they were done they kicked me into a corner and left laughing. I have no idea how long I cried. I skipped class, all I did was sit there and cry and ache until the bell for dismissal rang.

That was only the first time they abused me. I didn't tell anyone in fear of them finding out and beating me up ten times worse. After that, they've sexually harassed me four times and physically hurt me countless times.

Eventually, it just became too much. My parents were starting to get suspicious about the amount of scrapes and bruises appearing on my body, and the teachers were getting on my case about skipping class due to bullying. I didn't tell them anything at first, but after they dragged me to the principal's office for questioning, I broke down and told them every single thing the bullies had done to me. They just called the bullies to the office, and when they were told that I had snitched, Bully1 punched me square in the face, which, on top of everything else, got him and his friends expelled.

My parents moved me to another school after that, where I made a few friends. But, I made the mistake of telling someone what had happened at my old school, and word spread fast. Before the first semester was even over, I had been both sexually and physically harassed.

So I was transferred again. This time, I told everyone that I had moved from across the country and didn't say a word about my past bullying experiences. I made more friends, and even a boyfriend. I would love to say that everybody has left us alone, but that isn't the case. Some people have teased us about being gay but honestly now that I have him it doesn't really matter anymore. By this time I was 15 and starting high school, which meant yet another new school. But this time, I was moving on to another school with the friends I'd made, not alone.

In the end, I'm okay. I was never officially diagnosed with depression but I did consider suicide multiple times. But today, I'm much happier and I have people who care about me and a loving boyfriend who I would throw myself in front of a train for. Even though my life did have some major complications, I ended up with a happy ending and I could never be more grateful. 

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