Submission 852

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I experienced every type of bulling I can think of

I was about 9 when the bullying started. My classmate/ex friend bullied me and then got a group of girls to bully me.

The bullies would kick me and call me mean names like a worthless bitch and a tramp.

While being bullied I felt worthless. I didn't want to go to school and stayed in my house every day.

After the bullying I felt great and now I hang out with my friends every week!

The thing that helped me was my best friend she really cared and at one stage told an adult for me! I did consider self harming but I didn't want to end my life over something like that.

I told my closest friends and they helped me a lot

I'm not being bullied anymore but I'm glad!

ADVICE: My advice would be tell an adult. I did and my mum told the girls mothers and they never bothered me again!

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