Submission 846

528 18 7

What type of bullying did you experience? 

Name calling, cyberbullying, physical hurting

How old were you when the bullying started? 

I was diagnosed with cancer aged three and I started public schooling aged 12, and that's when it started because I was bald (and a girl)

Who bullied you? 

Everyone. Classmates, even my teachers.

What would the bullies say or do to you? 

They would call me names, or push me around, and on social media they would take pictures of me and photoshop them and stuff. My teachers would hit me and discreetly say bad things about me.

How did you feel while being bullied? 

I felt worthless, and that everything they said was true. Maybe I wasn't supposed to survive cancer.

How did you feel after being bullied? 

I still felt like trash. Nobody really went out of their way to comfort me.

Did anything help you cope with that bullying? 

I wore beanies to kind of hide the fact that I didn't have hair, and I stopped eating so they would stop calling me fat. I thought if I could be skinny and have long hair they would like me.

Have you ever self harmed and/or fallen into a state of depression as a result of being bullied?

 Depression, definitely yes. I had pretty frequent anxiety attacks. But I never really self harmed (other than starving myself) because I was afraid scars would only give the bullies more fuel to bully me.

Have you told anyone you know that you were bullied? 

I told my parents over and over again, but they only said I should be grateful that I survived cancer. They didn't understand.

Why/why not? 

I wanted somebody to understand me. I wanted somebody to talk to and somebody that would listen to me and not call me names.

How long were you bullied for? 

A long time. I'm in Highschool now and my hair still hasn't gotten past my ears (it grows slowly). People are still bullying me, just not as much or as bad as before.

Are you still being bullied? 

Yes, they're just not as open about it and they do it more privately and to themselves. I'm just focusing on my academics, though :) 

ADVICE: Never give up.

That is all. Even if you have gone through the toughest situations and you feel like you need a break, keep on going. I know it's hard sometimes, but as that little fishy said:

Keep on swimming, keep on swimming, swimming, swimming, swimming, swimming :)

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