Story 107

877 39 1

Type of bullying: Verbal, physical, cyberbullying

How old: I was in the first grade at six years old.

Who was the bully: A few people from each grade, my so-called friends, and neighbors

How did I feel while being bullied: I felt worthless, depressed, ugly, fat, insecure, and at times I even felt like I wanted to die. 😞

How did I feel after: After the bullying stopped, I felt stronger, but still I have problems sometimes with my self esteem and confidence.

Have I told anyone: Yes, my parents, principal, guidance counselor, best friends, teachers, etc.

Why/why not: I told people because I wanted it to stop and I really felt like I needed to share my experiences with others and plus I didn't know what else to do besides tell someone.

How long was I bullied: First grade thru seventh grade (August 2008 thru February 2015) or 6 ½ years

Am I still being bullied: Thankfully no because of my best friends who stood up for me and helped me see that I dotn deserve to be treated like crap

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