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I've been cyber bullied, physically bullied, verbally bullied, teased, and called names since preschool. I didn't understand it at first, but as i grow older (I am know in eight grade), I began to understand that I was being bullied.

I became a bit depressed, and every night I'd cry and hope that i wouldn't wake up. People called me the worst things possible: any curse word they could they of, any cruel thing they could think of, and lie, any rumor, just anything.

People said I was emotional since every time someone was accidentally mean to me, I would cry, but it was really the fact that I was as broken as a shattered vase, and I didn't know what to do. Maybe what made me sadder was that I tried to make other people happy, but no one returned the favor, and the more I tried to please everyone, the more I felt worthless, used, and like a puppet doll with strings. I lost several friends, I cried a lot, but I never told anyone. Every time I tried, people shut me down, but I guess it was last year in seventh grade that I stopped caring.

This one girl was always to me, she dragged my friends away from me, she pushed me in the halls and laughed, she did everything to make me and everyone else miserable, but mostly me that year.

Eventually, things got better, and she left me alone, but every year since preschool I've been bullied.

Every year.

As a first grader I was pushed, shoved, and tripped, same thing when I was a second grader, but that year I was followed by a kid with a pocketknife.

3rd grade a girl teased me.

4th, a boy made fun of me every day.

5th-7th, the same girl bullied me at school and even through a screen, and she once told me to go die.

8th, I've dealt with several problems with my friends.

But 8th grade has been different.

After 7th grade, I promised to transport my sadness to kindness. I began to help people more, and it didn't bother me that they didn't return the favor. I wanted to inspire people, help people, and be the reason people smile, and when people are mean to me, I don't fight back, even if people call me weak for doing so. I try to be optimistic and unique.

Two of my friends say I give them hope, and changing the world begins with changing one person's world.


Dear people who are bullied, I am a victim of bullying too, but you know what? After 9 years, I decided to transport all that anger and sadness to helping people. Overcoming depression is never easy, there are still times where I cry at the memories of my past, but in order to be happy, you have to focus on the present and look to the future.

Dear people who are bullied, you are beautiful, you are strong, and you can make it. Keep your head high princess, your tiara's falling. Keep your head high prince, your crown's falling.

Bullying can never end, but we can reduce the numbers. Tell an adult, a parent, a principal, anyone when you are bullied or have seen a case of bullying. Some people can get through it on their own, but most can't. My advice for people are bullied: stay strong, don't hurt yourself. You're beautiful, and if you ever feel unloved, I love you, people who are against bullying and want peace love you. Stay strong, one day it'll get better. I promise. c:

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