Story 175

701 22 6

What type of bullying did you experience ( cyber bullying, teasing, name calling, physical altercations, ect.)?

I got cyberbullied, teasing/ name calling and physical. It sucked really.

How old were you when the bullying started?

I was nine, but at the time I didn't take things to heart until I was 12. This lasted till I was 14.

Who bullied you?

My ex best friend, my parents, my sisters friends.

How did you feel while you were being bullied?

I honestly wanted to die, it would've ended the pain. Everytime it got better something came and ruined it for me. I felt like trash, I felt worthless, like everyone told me I was. When you constantly get told those things you start to believe them.

How did you feel after getting bullied?

It hasn't necessarily stopped, its slowed down a bit though. I can finally breathe a little, I can handle more now. I'm not just a kitten, I'm a tiger now. It hurts but you push past the pain right?

Have you told anyone that you were bullied?

I attempted to, no one really listened. Told me to shrug it off.

Why/why not?

Because I didn't want to do something I would probably regret. But no one cared anyways so what was the point, honestly?

How long were you bullied for?

6+ years. Still counting to now .

Are you still being bullied?


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