Story 443

255 10 3

Hi my other story is 420 but I have a couple more story's so what's not lose.

It was my 11th birthday party like all the girls at my school do cheer but me and a nother girl, I brought two friends a boy and a girl

The boy I have been friends with before pre-k and the other girl 2nd grade. So we went to the movies and ate pizza then we went to my house to hang out.

My one one friend said said I look so fat in this dress your not fat we said how much do u to whight? She said she whight 100 pounds i said I'm not telling . Why ? They ask . Because I'm not telling.

So we went on with the day we went to the park to find his jerk of firend. I me and my other friend just talked . The his feriend came over to me and said " hey fatty" did u know your fat ect. My one girl friend said shut up but my best friend just sat watching.

Then they Jeft I told my friend if you go on Monday don't act like my friend on Monday I was sitting by him and his friends and he asked what's wrong ? I haven't talk to him sence .

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