Story 223

430 17 2

I am fourteen and i can not find my shirt and i do not know where i am. my breath tastes like old alcohol and throw up and i can not seem to reminisce on any part of the night before. Everything from my memory has vanished starting after me and my bestfriend cracked the first can of 4loko. I am in excruciating pain from my waist down, and I can't seem to make about my whereabouts. It is definitely not my friend's house and she is not there either. The room is gray, dark, and it smells like sweat.

I come into school days later, due to a throat infection and immediately receive the normal dirty looks from my classmates, any grade, doesn't matter. My house had been just egged the day before for the second time, by upperclassmen whom i didn't really know. I am a varsity cheerleader, extremely gorgeous, honors class straight A student, and yet everyone seems to hate every single piece of who i am.

The day later i am jumped in the hallway by a group of trashy white girls. They do not spare me. I have a blackeye and a broken rib. The administration thinks i interrogated the situation. My therapist does not understand me. I get called a whore everyday of my life, multiple times a day.

I come home, click on Twitter and the fight is trending right away. MY name is not being viewed as the victim, but as the center of a laughing stock. Thot, slut, and whore are all commented, subtweeted, and posted about me.

I am still myself.

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